My ‘Countdown to Hiroshima’ Begins – as First A-BombTest at Trinity Is Readied

Reprinted with permission from Greg Mitchell’s newsletter Oppenheimer: From Hiroshima to Hollywood.

Every year at this time I trace the final days leading up to the first (and so far only) use of the atomic bomb against cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August 1945.   In this way the fateful, and in my view, tragic, decisions made by President Truman and his advisers, and the actions of scientists in Los Alamos and others, can be judged more clearly in “real time.”

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Dave DeCamp Interviews Khalil Sayegh: Plight of the Palestinian Christian Community in Gaza News Editor Dave DeCamp interviews Khalil Sayegh about the plight of the Palestinian Christian community in Gaza. Sayegh, a Christian from Gaza, shares his personal experience, including the loss his family has suffered in this horrific conflict. He also discusses the situation for Palestinian Christians in the West Bank and the broader context of the Israeli occupation.

Nolan’s Oppenheimer Emerged One Year Ago: But What About First A-Bomb Movie?

Reprinted with permission from Greg Mitchell’s substack Between Rock and a Hard Place.

On this weekend exactly one year ago, I was invited with a few dozen others to the first screening in New York City of Christopher Nolan’s upcoming movie Oppenheimer. Nolan sat on a panel afterward and later socialized in the lobby of the mini-theater (in the basement of a midtown hotel). I had just launched my newsletter devoted to the movie, the issues raised and ignored in it, and Oppenheimer and his legacy (this sibling Substack is still going, where you can subscribe for free). Here is a piece I wrote back then published elsewhere, at Mother Jones. It is adapted from my book on the horrific first Hollywood movie on the making and use of the atomic bomb.

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Uproar Over Detention of Prominent French Scholar for Gaza Solidarity Posts

Academic freedom defenders around the world are rallying around a renowned French political scientist and Arabist who was detained by police Tuesday after voicing “respect and appreciation” for the militant Palestinian resistance group Hamas.

François Burgat, the 75-year-old research director emeritus at the French National Center for Scientific Research, was taken into custody Tuesday morning in the southern city of Aix-en-Provence as part of an investigation into “apology for terrorism,” his lawyer Rafik Chekkat said on social media.

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