Ron Paul on the Real Reason We Should Break With the Saudis

Sudden concern in Washington over Saudi behavior is puzzling. But the disappearance of a Washington Post writer and the suspicion that the Saudi government is involved has led Washington and particularly the Senate and House to demand some answers. They didn’t care much about Saudi involvement with terrorists in Syria or the evil Saudi war on Yemen. Should we break with the Saudis? Yes. Why? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

‘Imminent Russian Threat’? Ukraine and NATO Launch Joint Military Exercises

“Clear Sky 2018” was launched yesterday in Ukraine, bringing in hundreds of NATO troops along with US fighter and transport planes. The large show of NATO military force on Russia’s border is meant to send a message to “aggressive” Russia. But the ongoing conflict over eastern Ukraine is a leftover from Obama’s disastrous 2014 coup that overthrew the elected government. President Trump appears to be continuing Obama’s foolish policy. More in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Saudi Recklessness and the Myth of ‘Withdrawal’

Originally appeared on The American Conservative.

Hal Brands makes an extremely shaky assertion about recent Saudi recklessness and U.S. involvement in the Middle East:

Much of Saudi Arabia’s recent behavior has been linked to the rise of MBS, who seems driven by a combination of ambition, arrogance and recklessness. Yet it is not a coincidence that Saudi misdeeds have accumulated at a time when the US is widely seen to be drawing down in the Middle East.

The US has backed the Saudis and Emiratis in the war on Yemen from the start. The US has not been “drawing down” in the region, unless one wants to arbitrarily use the height of the Iraq war as the standard by which to measure our level of involvement. It is preposterous to suggest that Saudi misdeeds are the result of a US withdrawal from the region when no such withdrawal has happened, and it is even worse to make this claim when the US is actively aiding the Saudis in the commission of those misdeeds. Brands correctly says that “Saudi conduct since 2015 has been destabilizing in the extreme,” but omits that the US has been an accomplice in the worst of that destabilizing conduct.

Continue reading “Saudi Recklessness and the Myth of ‘Withdrawal’”

Saudi ‘Critic’ Khashoggi Disappears – How Will Washington React?

The strange disappearance of Saudi “critic” and Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi has led even Washington’s neocons to come down hard on the Saudi government and particularly crown prince MBS. Is a shift in US/Saudi relations in the works? On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

An Important Message From Justin Raimondo

Shortly after delivering my latest column, I was asked to include a fundraising pitch.

I immediately rebelled against the idea: I had barely been able to write my column, given my physical condition, let alone anything extra.

Am I to be spared nothing?

I thought, as I struggled to catch my breath. I lay in bed trying to find a position where I wouldn’t cough incessantly, I thinking to myself: what if the fundraiser goes badly? What if … ?

And then, mercifully, sleep overtook me. I feel better this morning, and so here I am, at the same old stand, making the case for

We’ve been manning the barricades for the Peace Party online for over twenty years, fact-checking the War Party so you don’t have to, and holding up the propaganda that comes out of the "mainstream" media to the most rigorous scrutiny.

I don’t have to make the case for donating because it’s so glaringly obvious that to do so insults my readers’ intelligence.

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