The War on Humanitarian Aid Workers

The Israeli military killed seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen (WCK) in three consecutive targeted attacks on their vehicles. The vehicles were marked with the WCK logo, they were traveling on an approved route in a so-called safe zone, and their movements were coordinated with Israeli forces. Despite all these precautions, the vehicles were struck one after another and all of the passengers were killed. WCK has suspended their operations in Gaza as a result of the killings. Other humanitarian agencies are considering doing the same because of the extraordinary danger to their workers.

Netanyahu claims that it was an “unintentional hit,” but that simply isn’t credible. There have been too many similar attacks on humanitarian workers throughout the war for anyone to believe that this was just an unfortunate accident. We heard many of the same excuses from the Saudi coalition in Yemen when their jets would bomb clearly marked hospitals and clinics. When a client government commits an outrageous crime like this, it claims it was not intentional and promises to investigate itself. Washington takes the denials at face value because acknowledging the reality would require the U.S. to stop arming the client to the teeth.

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Active Duty Airman on White House Hunger Strike Against Starvation of Children in Gaza

An active-duty Air Force airman is on a hunger strike in front of the White House, in solidarity with the children of Gaza, who are being deliberately starved to death.

Larry Hebert, a Senior Airman with six years in the Air Force, began his hunger strike at the White House on Easter Sunday. He says he will be present at the White House from 10 am to 3 pm, April 1-6, and will then move to the House of Representatives, beginning Monday, April 8, when Congress is back in session.

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Pentagon and Neocons Seek To ‘Trump-Proof’ Ukraine Military Aid

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Pentagon and NATO officials are reportedly considering moving under NATO control a multi-national group that coordinates military aid to Ukraine. Control is currently in US hands, but the deep state fears a re-elected President Trump may attempt to stop their endless war machine. Also today: Biden’s crocodile tears over Israel’s slaughter of aid workers.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal: A Conversation With Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Matthieu Aikins

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal is holding accountable – through video testimony of witnesses – U.S. weapons manufacturers who produce and sell products which attack and kill not only combatants but non-combatants as well. Each week the Tribunal issues a new video segment offering evidence of guilt for the commission of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

In this video episode, the War Crimes Tribunal interviews Matthieu Aikins, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who has reported from Afghanistan and the Middle East since 2008. Aikins received the 2022 Pulitzer for international reporting as part of a New York Times team that investigated civilian casualties from US airstrikes.

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The Morally Bankrupt Biden Administration

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

The Biden reelection campaign tells me to fear MAGA and Donald Trump. I fear the Biden administration and its moral bankruptcy.

It’s been a grim 48 hours in the Middle East, as summarized here by Caitlin Johnstone:

In the span of just a few hours we learned that Israel committed a horrific massacre at al-Shifa hospital, struck an Iranian consulate in Syria killing multiple Iranian military officers, and killed a vehicle full of international aid workers in an airstrike. This murderous regime is out of control.

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