The Torture of Assange: A Blight on the US Justice System

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been forced to spend nearly 3,000 days in solitary confinement in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. His crime? He isn’t charged with anything. But the neocons and warmongers in the US government want to put him in a box – or worse – for publishing government secrets. Wait…isn’t that what all journalists do? Yes, that is what they are supposed to do. So isn’t the persecution of Assange actually an attack on the free press? Yes. What can we do to help Assange? Our ideas in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

William J. Astore on ‘Civilian Casualty Incidents’

Tuesday night, as I was watching the PBS News Hour, I snapped to attention as I heard a new euphemism for murdered innocents from bombing: “civilian casualty incidents.”

A PBS reporter used it, unthinkingly I believe, repeating bureaucratic jargon about all the innocents in Yemen smashed to bits or shredded by “dumb” bombs, cluster munitions, and even “smart” bombs that are really only as smart as the pilots launching them (and the often imperfect “actionable intelligence” gathered to sanction them).

The overall tone of the PBS report was reassuring. General Mattis appeared to comfort Americans that the Saudis are doing better with bombing accuracy, and that America’s role in helping the Saudis is limited to aerial refueling and intelligence gathering about what not to hit. Of course, the Saudis can’t bomb without fuel, so the U.S. could easily stop aerial massacres if we wanted to, but the Saudis are our allies and they buy weapons in massive quantities from us, so forget about any real criticism here.

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Intel Vets: Support for Brennan Is Not Unanimous

TO: The Media
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Support for Brennan Far From “Unanimous”

As former members of the intelligence community, we feel compelled to add our voice to the public debate surrounding President Trump’s revocation of former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance. This action is being falsely portrayed as an assault on Mr. Brennan’s right to free speech.

We note that some of our former colleagues, a number of whom have held prominent intelligence posts, joined the protest against the President’s actions – a phenomenon that provides stark reminder that the United States intelligence community is not a monolith but rather a collection of diverse individuals with a range of opinions on many issues, including what is right and wrong, We the undersigned veteran intelligence professionals agree with President Trump’s decision to strip Mr. Brennan of his clearance.

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UN Sees War Crimes In Yemen… But Mattis Vows Continued War Support

A new UN report found possible war crimes committed in the three-plus Saudi-led war on Yemen. While the US has backed the war from the beginning, providing weapons and targeting, the Pentagon claims that its involvement is saving lives rather than taking them. Secretary of Defense Mattis has said that the US will continue to support the Saudis. What are the moral implications of being involved on the side of war crimes and torture? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

The Saudi Coalition’s Callous Disregard for Yemeni Lives

Originally appeared on The American Conservative.

The New York Times also calls for a halt to U.S. support for the war on Yemen:

Saudi Arabia and its allies seem to have little compunction about slaughtering children as long as more bombs can be bought, so it’s up to the enablers to call a halt.

The focus of most recent criticism of the Saudi coalition has understandably been on their indiscriminate bombing campaign, but that shouldn’t cause us to forget the coalition’s even more far-reaching and destructive policy aimed at wrecking and starving the country as a whole. Kevin Watkins of Save the Children UK describes how the coalition’s economic war on Yemen does enormous harm to the civilian population and especially to the country’s children:

It’s not just bombs, bullets and artillery shells that threaten Yemen’s children. This is a conflict that also kills by stealth. Economic strangulation is being used by the Saudi-led coalition as a weapon of war, targeting jobs, infrastructure, food markets and the provision of basic services. Nobody is there to count the bodies of the victims [bold mine-DL]. But for every child buried beneath the rubble of a building hit by a “smart bomb”, there are dozens of children – like Ayesha – threatened by the starvation that has accompanied the economic assault.

Continue reading “The Saudi Coalition’s Callous Disregard for Yemeni Lives”

South Korea Seeks Peace With North: Will US Sanction Seoul?

Are the neocons running circles around President Trump? His Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has opposed the president’s moves to open dialogue with North Korea from the get-go. Now he has managed to scuttle a visit to Pyongyang by showing Trump a letter from a North Korean official that is reported to be “belligerent.” That was enough for Trump to cancel Pompeo’s trip. Meanwhile, South Korea is pursuing good relations with the North regardless of US backtracking. Washington is reportedly considering sanctions on its South Korean ally if Seoul continues on a peace path with Pyongyang. More on this bizarre turn of events in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.