Why Does Facebook Use NATO To Help Censor Users?

Facebook is using a NATO think tank, the Atlantic Council, which is also funded by the US government and foreign governments, to help it determine which posts are authentic and which are fake. The Atlantic Council is hardly an unbiased judge, however. It is extremely hawkish and has even encouraged US military strikes against Russian assets! Why is a US government funded entity involved in limiting speech? More in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

The US Is Deeply Complicit in Saudi Coalition Crimes in Yemen

Originally appeared on The American Conservative.

Micah Zenko catches Secretary Mattis making an obviously false claim about U.S. involvement in the war on Yemen:

I saw Mattis’ comment yesterday and said this:

When we remember that the U.S. has provided the Saudi coalition with arms, refueling, intelligence, and diplomatic cover so that they can wage their war on Yemen for more than three years, it is remarkable that U.S. officials try to keep up the pretense that our government is not involved in the conflict. The Pentagon is quick to remind us that their support is “limited” and “non-combat” in nature whenever the Saudi coalition kills civilians with U.S.-supplied weapons, but at the same time they are adamant that their “limited” support must never be cut off. When they assert that U.S. assistance helps limit civilian casualties (for which they provide no evidence), U.S. officials stress how vitally important that assistance is. When it comes to answering for coalition atrocities, they pretend that they have nothing to do with the fighting. If that excuse doesn’t work, they will shrug and claim not to know the extent of U.S. responsibility:

“We may never know if the munition [used] was one that the US sold to them,” Army Maj. Josh Jacques, a spokesperson for US Central Command, told me.

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The Pathetic US Response to the Latest Saudi Massacre

Originally appeared on The American Conservative.

The U.S. response to the massacre of dozens of children and other civilians earlier today was predictably feeble:

The U.S. State Department called on Thursday for the Saudi-led coalition to investigate reported air strikes in Yemen that killed dozens of people, including children.

“We are certainly concerned about the reports that there was an attack that resulted in the deaths of civilians. We call on the Saudi-led coalition to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the incident,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told a press briefing.

Any investigation conducted by the Saudi coalition into this attack will be neither thorough nor transparent. There is no point in calling for an inquiry by the perpetrators of the crime. We already know that they will determine that they did nothing wrong. We know this because the coalition governments always find that their pilots did nothing wrong, and if that weren’t enough the Saudi king offers blanket pardons for any crimes that his forces might commit in Yemen. Coalition forces know that they won’t be punished by their own governments if they commit crimes against Yemeni civilians, and their governments know that Washington won’t penalize them, either. The Trump administration can’t even muster pro forma condemnation of the senseless slaughter of schoolchildren, so they certainly have no intention of pressuring the coalition to scale back its bombing campaign.

Continue reading “The Pathetic US Response to the Latest Saudi Massacre”

Pompeo Slaps On Major Russia Sanctions… Over Unproven UK Poisoning!

The US State Department has out of the blue decided that Russia is guilty in the case of the poisoning of a former spy and his daughter in the UK, and has slapped on yet another round of sanctions. This time the sanctions call for the president to completely break diplomatic relations with Russia. On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.