Canadian Troops Head to Mali, With In-Bedded Media in Tow

To the military shaping media coverage of deployments is what roasting a marshmallow is to a summer camper’s S’mores; there isn’t one without the other.

Even before beginning a small "peacekeeping" mission the Canadian forces’ have an elaborate media strategy.

At the end of June Chief of the Defense Staff Jonathan Vance brought journalists with him on a visit to Mali. They toured the facilities in Gao where an advance team was preparing for Canada’s UN deployment to the African nation. An Ottawa Citizen headline described Vance’s trip as part of an effort at "selling the public on the Mali mission."

The tour for journalists was followed by a "technical briefing" on the deployment for media in Ottawa. "No photography, video or audio recording for broadcast purposes" was allowed at last week’s press event, according to the advisory. Reporters were to attribute information to "a senior government" official. But, the rules were different at a concurrent departure ceremony in Trenton. "Canadian Armed Forces personnel deploying to Mali are permitted to give interviews and have their faces shown in imagery", noted the military’s release.

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‘Russiagate’ – Attack On Our Values or Power of War Propaganda?

Does it seem a bit surprising that just as the US intelligence agencies – including the FBI – seemed to be on the ropes over their role in the 2016 presidential campaign, 12 indictments were dropped on Russian intelligence agents and a Trump-Putin meeting was decried as an act of treason by Obama intelligence appointees? Does it seem almost as if the US intelligence agencies – or at least some elements of them – are fighting back with a disinfo and propaganda campaign of their own to divert attention from the ignoble role played by some of the most political of appointees like Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Mike Morrell, Mueller, and others? Even Trump had to do a 180 degree turn and bow down to the “intelligence community.” Who runs things? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace

Former CIA director John Brennan thinks President Trump’s meeting with Russian president Putin is “treasonous” and he – disturbingly – warns him to “stop it.” Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) actually calls for the military to move against its commander in chief, who he claims is “in the hands of our enemy.” Others have called the Trump-Putin meeting “another Pearl Harbor.” The mainstream media churns out exactly the same headline: Trump threw the intelligence community under the bus” by meeting with Putin and expressing skepticism over claims that the Russians hacked the 2016 US presidential election. What’s behind the hysteria? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Reps. Gabbard and Jones To Hold Bipartisan Press Conference on Resolution To End Presidential Wars

Media Advisory for July 18—Reps. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) and Walter Jones (NC-03), along with retired U.S. Marine Captain Matthew Hoh, constitutional lawyer Bruce Fein, Veterans for Peace, and Peace Action, will hold a press conference on Wednesday announcing their introduction of a bipartisan resolution to reclaim Congress’s constitutional right to declare war. H.Res. 922 would define presidential wars not declared by Congress as impeachable “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Contact: Lauren McIlvaine (Gabbard): 202-713-6040
Allison Tucker (Jones): 202-225-3415

Wednesday, July 18, 2018: 11:00am EST
House Triangle, U.S. Capitol

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02)
Rep. Walter Jones (NC-03)
U.S. Marine Captain Matthew Hoh
Bruce Fein, Constitutional Lawyer
Michael Marceau, Veterans for Peace
Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action

Event also via Facebook Live: @RepTulsiGabbard and @RepWalterBJones