The Big Question About the UN Security Council’s Gaza Ceasefire Resolution

On March 25, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2728 , regarding the ongoing war in Gaza, by a vote of 14-0. The United States abstained rather than – as it usually does when the Israeli regime dislikes a resolution – using its “permanent member” veto.

The meat of the resolution “[d]emands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire, and also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as ensuring humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs, and further demands that the parties comply with their obligations under international law in relation to all persons they detain.”

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Stop the War on Gaza Now

An official from UNICEF, James Elder, recently surveyed the devastation in Gaza and warned against an assault on Rafah:

“A military offensive in Rafah would be utterly catastrophic. The last remaining water points and hospitals [in Gaza] are there and there is nowhere else to go. Khan Younis, Gaza City barely exist any more,” he said. “Rafah is Gaza’s last hope and it is utterly bewildering that a conversation on a potential military operation is still continuing.”

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US to Palestinians: ‘Tighten Your Belts, Our Food Pier Is Still 2 Months Away’

US ships heading toward Gaza to build America’s food delivering pier are sputtering along at 10 to 15 knots. The USVA Gen. Frank Besson Jr. has been refueling in the Azores since Friday. Once underway it still has 5,000 miles to traverse before reaching destination. All other ships are behind the Besson, with 2 not having left the US yet.

With starvation rampant in Gaza, thanks to US enabling the Israeli genocide there, Uncle Sam sure is taking his sweet time creating infrastructure to deliver food aid. It won’t do much good even if completed since Israel blocks most aid in entering Gaza. Might be that our benevolent Uncle is giving Israel time to complete their genocidal ethnic cleansing so we can just pack up and go home.

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Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal: Dahr Jamail Reporting on Fallujah, Iraq

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal is holding accountable – through video testimony of witnesses – U.S. weapons manufacturers who produce and sell products which attack and kill not only combatants but non-combatants as well. Each week the Tribunal issues a new video segment offering evidence of guilt for the commission of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

In this video episode of the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal we interview Dahr Jamail, one of the few American journalists independent of and unattached to U.S. military units in Iraq during the horrific battle of Fallujah. In this interview Dahr recounts the devastation caused by the relentless U.S. assault on this city. Dahr spent over a year reporting in Iraq between 2003-2011.

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‘Hell No, We Won’t Go!’ – Most Americans Would Not Serve If War Broke Out

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

According to a new YouGov poll, the majority of Americans of military age would refuse to fight if a major global conflagration broke out including the United States. What does this say about our foreign policy and US future? Also today:  Texas Governor declares war… on the First Amendment!

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.