Praise for Antiwar Congressman Walter Jones after His Republican Primary Victory

On Tuesday, Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), who is seeking reelection for what he has indicated will be his final term in the United States House of Representatives, won his Republican Party primary. Jones defeated two other candidates — a Washington, DC lobbyist who holds elective office in the district and one of Jones’ primary opponents from 2016.

Will Rahn wrote a Thursday editorial at CBS News concerning Jones’ primary victory and Jones’ history in the House. In the editorial titled “In praise of Walter Jones,” Rahn refers to Jones as a “man of conviction in Washington” who has been punished by his party’s leadership because of his independent actions, including, Rhan writes, becoming “one of the GOP’s most fervent voices for peace.”

Read Rhan’s complete editorial here.

Jones is a member of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Advisory Board.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Europe ‘Can No Longer Trust US For Protection.’ Good, says Ron Paul

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron are upset that US President Donald Trump pulled the US out of the Iran nuclear agreement. We agree that it was a dumb move on his part that will likely bring us closer to yet another war, but when Merkel said the Europeans needed to start taking care of their own security and stop relying on the Americans, a silver lining was revealed in an otherwise dark cloud. European countries spend very little on defense compared to the US and benefit from the US picking up more than one-fifth the total NATO budget. A Europe that takes care of its own security would likely be less belligerent toward Russia, thus lowering the risks of a catastrophic war. More silver linings in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Uri Avnery on Golda Meir’s Destructive Reign

Ben-Gurion said about her: "The only thing Golda knows how to do is to hate!"

Golda Meir did not hate me. That would be an understatement. She detested me.

The way I speak, the way I dress, the way I look. Everything.

Once, in the middle of a speech in the Knesset (I believe it was about allowing the Beatles to appear in Israel) I interrupted myself and said: "Now I want to answer MK Golda Meir…"

"But MK Meir has not said anything!" the chairman objected.

"I am not answering an interjection," I explained. "I am answering her grimaces!"

And indeed, Golda was grimacing, every muscle of her face proclaiming her detestation.

Continue reading “Uri Avnery on Golda Meir’s Destructive Reign”

Canada’s Trudeau Promotes ‘Anglosphere’ Spying

While the media has been full of news about information-gathering by Facebook and other Internet giants, other secretive organizations that are a major threat to our personal privacy and public security are seldom mentioned. When they are, it has been because politicians are praising them and offering up more money for them to spy.

For example, Justin Trudeau recently promoted the "Anglosphere’s" intelligence sharing arrangement. Two weeks ago, in a rare move, the PM revealed a meeting with his "Five Eyes" counterparts. After the meeting in London Trudeau labeled the 2,000 employee Communications Security Establishment, Canada’s main contributor to the "Five Eyes" arrangement, "an extraordinary institution". Last year Trudeau said that "collaboration and cooperation between allies, friends and partners has saved lives and keeps all of our citizens safe."

The praise comes as the government is seeking to substantially expand CSE’s powers and two months ago put up $500 million to create a federal "cybersecurity" center. This money is on top of CSE’s $600 million annual budget and a massive new $1.2 billion complex.

Continue reading “Canada’s Trudeau Promotes ‘Anglosphere’ Spying”

Ron Paul on Trump Killing the Iran Deal – Who Wins? Who Loses?

President Trump’s statement upon ending US participation in the Iran nuclear agreement was filled with so many objectively false statements that it almost seems the neocons who crafted it were trying to make a fool out of him. The assertion that Iran is allied with al-Qaeda is so brazenly false that it rivals the tallest of the tall tales served up to lie Americans into supporting the disastrous Iraq war. So now with the US out of the deal…what comes next? What will the Europeans do? How will Americans react to the loss of 100,000 Boeing jobs due to cancellation of a passenger airline contract with Iran? We look at some of the implications of the move in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.