Netanyahu Continues His Push To Unravel the Iran Nuclear Deal

Contact: Trita Parsi
Phone: 202-386-6325

Washington, DC – Trita Parsi, President of the National Iranian American Council, issued the following statement regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation on Iran’s nuclear program:

“Netanyahu’s desperation to kill the Iran deal and drag the United States into war with Iran was on full display today. Netanyahu played a key role in helping con the American people into the war with Iraq and is now pulling out all the stops to do the same with Iran.

“Netanyahu revealed nothing that indicates Iran is not upholding its obligations under the nuclear deal. Anyone familiar with the history of Iran’s nuclear program or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action will not be surprised by allegations that Iran had an active nuclear weapons program fifteen years ago. Those well-known concerns were the reason why the international community negotiated an agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear program and subject it to intrusive international inspections.

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Reps. Gabbard, Yoho Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Supporting US-NK Diplomatic Path to Denuclearization

For Immediate Release
April 27, 2018

Media Contact:
Emily Latimer, (202) 604-2330

Washington, DC – Reps. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) and Ted Yoho (FL-03) today introduced a bipartisan resolution supporting diplomatic negotiations to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. The bipartisan resolution urges President Trump, Kim Jong-Un, and other regional leaders to exhaust all diplomatic options before any use of military force to de-nuclearize North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in held historic diplomatic negotiations Friday, and negotiations between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un are expected in the coming weeks.

Click Here for the Full Text of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s Resolution

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said: “Nothing is more important to the American people than peace. Unfortunately, there are some calling for preconditions and delays to President Trump’s meeting with Chairman Kim. They clearly do not understand the urgency of the situation and the seriousness of the threat posed to the people of Hawai‘i and this country. We must build on the momentum of today’s historic summit, with President Trump and Kim Jong-Un’s upcoming meeting so that we may achieve denuclearization of North Korea, end the Korean War, and secure peace.”

Rep. Ted Yoho, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific said: “I welcome the President’s decision to negotiate the denuclearization of North Korea. This is clearly a sign that our campaign of pressure is working. As this resolution rightly states, we need to work with our partners towards the complete, verifiable, and irreversible dismantling of North Korea’s illicit weapons programs. We will continue to support efforts to achieve this important goal.”

Background: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s resolution supports U.S. diplomatic efforts on the Korean Peninsula by:

  • Welcoming the United States-North Korea summit which follows the South Korea-North Korea summit;
  • Recognizing that the American people are committed to peace and support efforts toward diplomatic negotiations to ensure the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea;
  • Urging President Trump, the Supreme Leader of North Korea, and regional leaders to engage diplomatically to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and exhaust all non-military policy tools before any use of military force; and
  • Urging President Trump, partner countries, and members of the United Nations to maintain a campaign of strong economic and diplomatic pressure until North Korea has completely, verifiable and irreversible dismantled all of its nuclear, chemical, biological, and radiological weapons programs.

The Syria Narrative Comes Apart: With Sen. Richard Black

Strange how the media seems to have moved away from Washington’s claims about a “chemical attack” in Syria just as more and more evidence comes to light that seriously undermines the US narrative. The media is reduced to accusing those who question the narrative — even with evidence — of being “conspiracy theorists.” Virginia State Senator Richard Black is a retired US military officer and JAG officer with a Purple Heart earned in Vietnam. He is not buying the mainstream media and Trump Administration claims about the attack. He has followed the Syria war closely and in 2016 even took a trip to Syria. He joins today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report to shine the light on the falsehoods being spread:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

David Stockman Enters Hostile Territory to Support Nonintervention and Oppose Increased Military Spending

Investing and current affairs writer David Stockman found himself in hostile territory this week in an interview at the Fox Business show Mornings with Maria. In the often-tense interview, Stockman seems to shock and rile some of the show’s hosts with his assessments that the United States military should not have been given a big monetary infusion in the recent spending deal worked out by President Donald Trump and Congress and that the US should stop its excessive military intervention overseas.

The US military would not need so much money if the military were used much less, argues Stockman, who is a member of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Advisory Board. “Don’t have so many missions; don’t be bombing Syria; don’t be mucking around in the Middle East,” Stockman says is the “obvious answer” to host Maria Bartiromo’s contention that the increased military spending is needed because “we’ve starved the military.” And, in response to Bartiromo’s suggestion that Stockman is advocating turning away when the Syrian government uses chemical weapons in Syria, Stockman explains why he sees such chemical weapons allegations as “a hoax” and argues “we have no dog in that hunt,” meaning the American people are best served by the US government just keeping out of the conflict in Syria.

Watch Stockman’s complete interview here:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Macron Changes Trump’s Tune: ‘We’re Staying In Syria’

Just weeks after vowing to get US troops out of Syria “soon,” a meeting with French President Macron has changed President Trump’s tune. Now he is talking about a large and sustained footprint in Syria to, he claims, keep Iran from taking control of the Mediterranean. Defense Secretary Mattis added that the US must continue occupying Syrian territory until a UN peace process – i.e., “regime change” – can take place. We’re back to 2011…but worse. Trump’s endless flip-flops in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul on Unintended Consequences of Trump’s Syria Attack

President Trump’s recent missile attack on Syria has led the Russians to re-think its decision to put on hold a Syrian government request for the Russian S-300 missile defense system. Particularly with Russian troops still operating in Syria, Russia may well decide to deliver the system to the Assad government. The Israelis, who have conducted more than 100 bombing raids on Syria since the start of the war in 2011, threaten to destroy any missile defense system targeting Israeli planes while they are bombing Syria. Far from solving any strategic or tactical US goals in the region, the US missile attack has made the waters all the more dangerous. Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.