Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to President Trump: Do Not Strike Syria

Washington, DC – Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) today (April 12, 2018) called for President Trump to refrain from using military action against Syria that would expand and escalate the conflict, and likely result in additional civilian and military casualties, more refugees, and fewer resources to invest in rebuilding American communities, and instead work toward peace. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is also a signatory on a bipartisan letter to be sent to President Trump urging him to uphold the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution by obtaining the required authorization from Congress before ordering a military attack against Syria.

In a letter to President Donald Trump, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said:

“The people of Syria want peace more than anything else in the world. Attacking Syria will not bring their war-torn country any closer to peace. U.S. military action against Syria will simply escalate and prolong the war, resulting in more senseless death, destruction, and suffering.

“A US military attack against Syria will certainly reinvigorate and resurrect the terrorizing forces of jihad and increase the flow of refugees into Europe and the United States.

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Ron Paul: Cooler Heads Prevailing On Syria? Let’s Hope!

While Defense Secretary Mattis says the Pentagon is “still looking” for evidence a chemical attack even took place in Syria last weekend, President Trump has seemingly backed off his Tweet yesterday threatening Russia with missiles. Meanwhile, despite a mainstream media attempted blackout of alternative voices a few are getting through and being heard. Former UK Ambassador to Syria was unequivocal in a recent BBC interview: the recent “chlorine attack” in Syria was staged. Do we have a glimmer of hope? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Rep. John Duncan (R-TN): We Don’t Need and Cannot Afford a War in Syria

Delivered on the floor of the House of Representatives, April 12, 2018

In the days leading up to the Congressional vote on whether to go to war in Iraq years ago, Fortune Magazine had an article headlined "We Win – What Then?"

The article said a prolonged war in Iraq would make American soldiers "sitting ducks for Islamic terrorists."

Another national magazine at that time, U.S. News and World Report, had an article headlined, "Why the Rush to War?"

Now that war has been frequently referred to as possibly the greatest foreign policy mistake in US History.

The night before the Iraq war vote, a television station in Knoxville had a poll showing 74% in favor of the war, 9% against, and 17% undecided. I was one of six Republicans who voted against going to war, and for three or four years, that certainly was the most unpopular vote I ever cast. But slowly, slowly, slowly, it became my most popular vote.

We were basically conned into that war by a group called Neo-Cons, so called neo-conservatives, who George Will once described as being "magnificently misnamed" because they were really the "most radical people in this City," meaning

In addition to our disaster in Iraq, we have now been at war in Afghanistan for 17 years, seemingly permanent, forever wars that have cost us trillions of dollars and caused many thousands of Americans to be killed or maimed.

What a waste.

President Reagan once said we should never go to war unless there were no other reasonable alternatives and then only as a very last resort.

We have had too many leaders who never went to war themselves, such as the new National Security Advisor, John Bolton, who seem far too eager for others to go to war so these chicken-hawks can feel more important or think of themselves as modern day Winston Churchills.

Now we seem to be rushing into another war in Syria. I am thankful that conservatives like Tucker Carlson and Pat Buchanan are questioning this new rush to war.

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