Robert Parry Interviewed by Ron Paul and Dan McAdams

From October:

‘Russiagate’ And The Decline Of Journalism

Russiagate has “jumped the shark.” So says Robert Parry, investigative journalist and founder of Parry joins today’s (October 12, 2017) Ron Paul Liberty Report to discuss the current state of the mainstream media and the ongoing allegations of Russian interference in American political and social life.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Kathy Kelly on A Treacherous Crossing

On January 23rd an overcrowded smuggling boat capsized off the coast of Aden in Southern Yemen. Smugglers packed 152 passengers from Somalia and Ethiopia in the boat and then, while at sea, reportedly pulled guns on the migrants to extort additional money from them. The boat capsized, according to The Guardian, after the shooting prompted panic. The death toll, currently 30, is expected to rise. Dozens of children were on board.

The passengers had already risked the perilous journey from African shores to Yemen, a dangerous crossing that leaves people vulnerable to false promises, predatory captors, arbitrary detention and tortuous human rights violations. Sheer desperation for basic needs has driven hundreds of thousands of African migrants to Yemen. Many hope, upon arrival, they can eventually travel to prosperous Gulf countries further north where they might find work and some measure of security. But the desperation and fighting in southern Yemen were horrible enough to convince most migrants that boarded the smuggling boat on January 23rd to try and return to Africa.

Referring to those who drowned when the boat capsized, Amnesty International’s Lynn Maalouf said: "This heartbreaking tragedy underscores, yet again, just how devastating Yemen’s conflict continues to be for civilians. Amid ongoing hostilities and crushing restrictions imposed by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, many people who came to Yemen to flee conflict and repression elsewhere are now being forced yet again to flee in search of safety. Some are dying in the process."

Continue reading “Kathy Kelly on A Treacherous Crossing”

Upcoming Events and Speeches

Wed Feb 7th at 7:30 I’m doing a presentation on the terror wars for Thaddeus Russel’s Renegade University. (My previous talk on Afghanistan for Renegade University is here.)

Feb 24th at 7:00 PM I’m giving a talk at Austin, Anarchy and Action at Treasure City Thrift Store, 2142 E 7th St, in Austin.

March 2-4 D.C.:
March 2 I’ll be tabling and selling books at the Israel Lobby Conference at the Washington Press Club.
March 3 I’m flying up to Philadelphia to give a talk at the Pennsylvania Libertarian Party convention.
March 4 I’m giving a talk at the WRMEA bookstore in D.C. at 11:00 am and then another at the Tenleytown Library at 3:00 pm.

March 20 I’m giving a talk at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.

March 24th I’m giving a talk at the New Jersey Libertarian Party convention in New Brunswick.

April 28th I’m doing another for the Tarrant County Libertarian Party in Ft. Worth.

The first week of May I’ll be at Libertopia in San Diego.

On June 21 I’m giving a talk at the Michigan Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest.

Skipping ahead a bit: on October 6th I’ll be returning to LibertyFestNYC where I last spoke in 2010 — my how the time flies.

See yall around.

RIP Bob Parry

Bob Parry was a former good friend of the show. I had him on at least 18 times. (I can’t help but think there were more that got lost somehow.) He was actually one of the first guests when I started the daily show, Antiwar Radio, for KAOS 95.9 FM in Austin in 2007. I cussed him out and didn’t speak to him any more after he wrote some stupid bullshit about libertarians a few years ago, but I never stopped running him or his best guys at since Bob’s journalism could not be beat. He was really great on so many things, especially Syria and Russia issues these past few years, including the coup in Ukraine in 2014.

Here his son Nat has a tremendous write up on Bob’s heroic legacy in journalism. It’s really worth your time.

There. Now live up to his example.

Robert Parry, RIP: His Legacy and the Future of ConsortiumNews

Sadly announced this morning on ConsortiumNews:

Robert Parry, editor and publisher of, died peacefully Saturday evening. In this tribute, his son Nat Parry describes Robert’s unwavering commitment to independent journalism.

It is with a heavy heart that we inform Consortiumnews readers that Editor Robert Parry has passed away. As regular readers know, Robert (or Bob, as he was known to friends and family) suffered a stroke in December, which – despite his own speculation that it may have been brought on by the stress of covering Washington politics – was the result of undiagnosed pancreatic cancer that he had been unknowingly living with for the past 4-5 years.

He unfortunately suffered two more debilitating strokes in recent weeks and after the last one, was moved to hospice care on Tuesday. He passed away peacefully Saturday evening. He was 68.

Those of us close to him wish to sincerely thank readers for the kind comments and words of support posted on recent articles regarding Bob’s health issues. We read aloud many of these comments to him during his final days to let him know how much his work has meant to so many people and how much concern there was for his well-being.

Read the rest of the tribute at ConsortiumNews.

William Astore: Two Notes on the US Military

One of the joys of blogging is hearing from insightful readers. Today, I’d like to share two notes that highlight vitally important issues within the military – and that touch on larger problems within American society.

The first note comes from a senior noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Navy. This NCO highlights the tendency for “green” (new) officers to want to prove themselves as “warfighters,” instead of doing the hard work of learning their jobs, which entails listening to their NCOs with a measure of humility while working together as a team. It further highlights the arrogance of some officers who are full of themselves after graduating from military academies, where they are often told to “take charge” because they are “the very best.”

Here’s the note:

As a Chief Hull Technician, I ran the damage control and repair shop. My shop was responsible for hull, piping, water, sewage repairs and damage control equipment on our ship. The officer in charge of “R” Division is always a first assignment for new ensigns reporting to their first ship. I was a senior enlisted with 16 years in the Navy, working for a 22 year old (ensign) with either 4 years at the academy or nine weeks of OCS (officer commissioning school) and a year of SWO (surface warfare) school. All the new officers want to be war fighters. None want to know the nuts and bolts of actually running the ship. During my tour I had 3 (Naval) academy and one OCS ensign. The ensigns from the (Naval) academy were horrible. Not just bad officers, but lousy people. I understand the cluelessness of a 22 year old, but the desire to achieve with no regard for the people who will make you great was appalling. They did not realize their crew would make them great. They thought they were so brilliant, they could do it on their own. My job was to save them from themselves. My Chief Engineer would get mad at me when they made asses of themselves. My OCS ensign was a good officer. He wasn’t full of the Naval Academy education… Breaking traditions is hard in the military. The fact we have presidents with no military leadership is contributing to letting the Generals run wild. Instead of realizing the civilians control the military, not the other way. I would have fired or (forced) early retirements of all flag officers who supported the Iraq war. Who needs people around who give bad advice?

This senior NCO makes an excellent point at the end of his letter. Why not fire or early retire generals and admirals who offer bad advice? But rarely in the military is any senior officer held to account for offering bad advice. As LTC Paul Yingling noted in 2007, a private who loses a rifle is punished far more severely than a general who loses a war. Citing Yingling, military historian Thomas E. Ricks noted in an article at The Atlantic in 2012 that “In the wars of the past decade, hundreds of Army generals were deployed to the field, and the available evidence indicates that not one was relieved by the military brass for combat ineffectiveness.”

Continue reading “William Astore: Two Notes on the US Military”