More Militarism Puts America on the Road to Ruin

Walter Russell Mead ends his latest column with some random assertions, mindless talking points, and a call for violence:

Crows cluster where scarecrows fail. If Team Biden wants a world with fewer challenges to the American order, it must restore respect for American power, competence and will. Step one would be to submit a serious defense budget to the Congress, one that demonstrates American resolve to support our friends and deter our adversaries in key global theaters.

Step two is to kill some crows.

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Lindsey Graham In Ukraine: ‘More of You Need To Die’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Sen. Lindsey Graham traveled (again) to Ukraine to try and whip up more war fever. This time he scolded the Ukrainian government for not conscripting younger kids to die in the US proxy war with Russia. Also today: Europeans are quitting the military in high numbers. A return to the draft is in the works in many countries. Finally: Israel has a new plan to steal more Gaza land.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

US State Department Claims It Hasn’t Seen Reports of Israel Torturing UNRWA Staff

A Biden administration spokesperson on Monday attempted to avoid addressing allegations by employees of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees that they were tortured while in Israeli detention by claiming the U.S. State Department has not seen any media reporting on the accusations.

Ryan Grim, The Intercept‘s Washington, D.C. bureau chief, asked deputy State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel if he believes the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) staff members who say they were tortured by Israeli interrogators into making false confessions about involvement with the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which led the October 7 attacks on Israel. Israeli officials claimed that at least 12 out of UNRWA’s 13,000 staff in Gaza had ties to Hamas and October 7.

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Protests and Parody Paper Decry New York Times‘ Pro-Israel Bias in Gaza Coverage

More than 100 pro-Palestine demonstrators were arrested Thursday after staging a protest at The New York Times‘ Midtown Manhattan headquarters, where activists handed out copies of a satirical knockoff of the newspaper that skewered what organizers called its biased coverage of the Gaza genocide.

After surrounding the Times‘ printing plant in College Point, Queens, members of Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG), Palestinian Youth Movement, and other groups shut down the paper’s Midtown West headquarters, where they chanted, “New York Times you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide,” “free, free Palestine,” and “from the river to the sea.”

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Running on Empty: 70% of F-35s ‘Not Combat Capable’?

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

A disturbing report from the Government Accountability Office shows that 70 percent – and maybe more – of the outrageously expensive, over-budget F-35 fighter jets are not capable of conducting combat. Yet Washington continues to rattle sabers at Russia and China. Also today: Pentagon not bothering to track weapons sent to Ukraine, and US considering MORE military aid to Israel as “incentive” for lower civilian casualties.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Their Time Will Come

I gave a Saint Patrick’s Day speech at a rally for Palestine yesterday. Last year, I spent Saint Patrick’s Day standing in a bar with a fellow Marine veteran. In 2010, he had been a mortar man with Third Battalion, Fifth Marines, in Sangin, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. In a few months, more than one in five of those Marines and sailors were casualties. Thirteen years later, he still didn’t know what it was for.

We stood there and medicated and punished ourselves with beer and whiskey. At some point, our ire and anger over the wars turned to ire and anger over the band in the bar. It was Saint Patrick’s Day, and we were in an Irish bar, with the band playing pop songs rather than Irish music. There certainly was none of the Irish rebel music we wanted, and at some point, we sang it ourselves. I remember us spending quite a while on Grace; it was one of those nights.

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