When Starvation Is a Weapon, The Harvest Is Shame

In a work entitled “Irish Famine 4,” Palestinian-American journalist and artist Sam Husseini combined grass and paint to commemorate a bitter time in Irish history when starving people died with their mouths stained green because, according to historian Christine Kinealy, their last meal was grass. Shamefully, British occupiers profited from exporting out of Ireland food crops so desperately needed. Over a seven year period, beginning in 1845, one million Irish people died from starvation and related diseases. It was a conscious mass killing. One of the most horrific means of execution we can read about or imagine was employed. The result, an excruciating descent into despair, delirium and bodily immobility while one’s attention, and character, is gradually reduced to extreme hunger and pain.

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Gaza’s Famine and the Pathetic US Response

Antony Blinken was asked yesterday at a State Department press briefing if he agreed with the EU’s Josep Borrell that Israel was using starvation as a weapon in Gaza, and he gave this answer:

What we’ve seen in terms of food as well as other supplies, going to your – the second part of your question, is of course the Israelis have been not only allowing food in, they have been working to make sure that it gets in and gets to people who need it. We’ve seen throughout this process, first, the opening of Rafah back in October. After my first visit to Israel, many hours of discussion, Rafah opened. Assistance began to get in. We went back some weeks later. We got agreement to open Kerem Shalom. During the first pause, the hostage pause, one week, the amount of assistance that was then going in doubled during that period of time

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Red Line, What Red Line?

The Biden administration wants you to know that you shouldn’t take any of the president’s warnings to Israel seriously:

The White House denied on Tuesday that President Biden had set any “red lines” for Israel in its campaign against Hamas in Gaza but warned again that Israel should not attack the city of Rafah, the southernmost city in the enclave, without protections for more than a million people sheltering there.

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Macron Plans a Crusade

According to many French, both ordinary folks and politicians, their president Macron could think of nothing crazier to divert attention away from farmers’ problems and increase his low 24% rating. The leader of the extreme left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said so explicitly: “Pitting one nuclear power against another nuclear power is madness.” In turn, Marine Le Pen, who represents extreme right-wing forces, said that Macron is playing with “the lives of our children.”

More influential forces, such as the Socialist Party and conservative Republicans, also condemned “the French president’s muscle play.” Notably, in the run-up to June’s European elections, Macron’s centrist liberal party is significantly behind the left and right parties in the polls.

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