Bibi to Biden: ‘Take Your Red Line and Shove It!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has brushed off President Biden’s warning that attacking Rafah – with a huge concentration of Palestinian civilians – would be a “red line” for the US. He has vowed to attack anyway, defying his prime supplier of money and bombs. Also today: Will the US government actually BAN a social media platform?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

California Selective Service Bill Set for Hearing in Sacramento April 9th

A bill to automatically register draft-age applicants for California driver’s licenses with the Selective Service System (SSS) has been set for its first first hearing in Room 1200 of the State Capitol Annex “Swing Space” building, 1021 O St. in Sacramento (2 blocks south of the Capitol) in Sacramento at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, before the Senate Committee on Transportation. Only in-person testimony will be accepted, with no remote testimony or livestream, but written testimony can be submitted until April 1, 2024.

The hearing on April 9th will be only the first of several, if the bill moves forward, but will set the tone for debate on the bill.

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Stop All U.S. Aid to Israel

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

I have a modest proposal: Stop all U.S. aid to Israel. Why does Israel need billions and billions in aid, mainly so they can buy U.S. weaponry? If they need it, they can pay for it. And if they’re going to use U.S. weapons to kill massive numbers of innocent Palestinians in Gaza, America shouldn’t sell them the weapons no matter what Israel is willing to pay.

Am I anti-Israel? Anti-semitic? Only if IDF General (and war hero) Matti Peled was.

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Oppenheimer Cast Members, Stars, and Musicians Call for Nuclear Abolition

Reprinted with permission from Greg Mitchell’s newsletter Oppenheimer: From Hiroshima to Hollywood.

When Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer was released last July, many predicted it would spark profound and long-lasting new activism, and official measures, with the aim of reducing nuclear risks and eliminating more of the weapons, perhaps down to zero. I cast doubt on this optimism, as I found the film far too weak in its messaging and its failure to truly confront the only use of the weapons in war and provide crucial lessons for today. Sadly, beyond a great number of articles, columns, TV segments, posts and special issues, a strong new antinuclear movement has failed to materialize and positive official actions have been few and far between.

This afternoon, I was interviewed for the public radio “World” national program for a segment on Oppenheimer shortcomings (which I have detailed at this Substack since early last July). You can listen to the 8-minute segment here.

Continue readingOppenheimer Cast Members, Stars, and Musicians Call for Nuclear Abolition”