Bullets Found at Gaza Flour Massacre Site Belie Israel’s ‘Stampede’ Claim

Bullet wounds caused by the same type of large-caliber ammunition used in several Israel Defense Forces rifles and machine guns undercut Israeli officials’ dubious claim that most victims of last week’s “Flour Massacre” near Gaza City died in a stampede, one human rights monitor said Wednesday.

Gaza officials said at least 118 Palestinians were killed and 760 others injured when Israeli troops shot and shelled a large crowd of starving people waiting for food distribution in the al-Nabulsi Roundabout area south of Gaza City on February 29. Israeli officials said many or most of the victims were trampled as the large crowd of people starving due to Israel’s siege and blockade of Gaza desperately rushed aid trucks.

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Two Nancy Pelosi Constituents Arrested Outside Her Capitol Hill Office After Pelosi Refuses to Listen to Demands for a Ceasefire

WASHINGTON – Two CODEPINK members from California were arrested outside Rep Nancy Pelosi’s office today in D.C. after Pelosi refused to talk with them. They have been requesting meetings for months to speak with the California representative about the urgent need for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and that her constituents do not want their tax dollars going to Israel to sustain the genocide and occupation of Gaza.

“I’m full of grief that Nancy Pelosi, one of the most powerful people in the government, continues to fund lethal weapons to kill Children in Gaza with our tax dollars,” said Cynthia Papermaster, who flew from California in an attempt to get Pelosi to listen. “It fills me with grief to think that my tax dollars are being used to buy hellfire missiles, white phosphorus, F-35 fighter jets that are killing people who are in an open-air concentration camp in Gaza.”

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‘Not Our Fault!’ – Pentagon Blames CIA For Yemen Fiasco

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Yemen is not going as promised. After weeks of US and UK bombing, the Red Sea is still effectively off-limits to US and UK shipping and to all shipping to and from Israel. Yemen’s Houthis announced the policy in protest of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza. Recently the Pentagon blamed the CIA for the failed Yemen policy, claiming they were lacking in intelligence. Also today: Fatal flaw in Ukraine war and Daniel Hale is out of jail.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Stop the ‘Flood’ of US Weapons Into the Gaza War

The delivery of U.S.-made weapons to Israel over the last five months has been massive:

The United States has quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israel since the Gaza war began Oct. 7, amounting to thousands of precision-guided munitions, small diameter bombs, bunker busters, small arms and other lethal aid, U.S. officials told members of Congress in a recent classified briefing.

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