Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal: Next Evidentiary Video: Shock and Awe Episode 2

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal is holding accountable – through video testimony of witnesses – U.S. weapons manufacturers who produce and sell products which attack and kill not only combatants but non-combatants as well. Each week the Tribunal issues a new video segment offering evidence of guilt for the commission of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

This segment of the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal concludes the investigation of the tragic opening bombing campaign against Iraq known as Shock and Awe, a military campaign that presaged the brutal attacks on Fallujah and Mosul and the rest of the Iraqi countryside over the next two decades. Those war crimes will be investigated in upcoming video segments.

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‘Cookie Monster’ Out! Victoria Nuland Retires From State Department!

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

The neocon behind the 10 year war in Ukraine, State Department #3 “diplomat” Victoria Nuland, suddenly announced her retirement from the US diplomatic corps. What does she know that we don’t know? Also today, Marco Rubio’s bloody cynicism on Ukraine war. Finally – will “Super Tuesday” finally nudge Neocon Nikki to pull out of the race?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Biden’s Mixed Messages on Gaza Aren’t Fooling Veterans

The average person could be forgiven if they are confused by U.S. policy toward the ongoing Israeli slaughter and starvation of Palestinians in Gaza.  On Saturday, March 2, as global protests called for an end to the genocide in Gaza, the U.S. military dropped 38,000 MRE’s (“meals-ready-to-eat”) on Gaza beaches, and in the sea.

Is this finally a bold effort to alleviate the suffering that Palestinians are experiencing at the hands of the Israel? Does it foretell the dramatic change in U.S. policy that the world has been protesting and praying for? Or is it merely a public relations effort intended to blunt growing criticism of U.S. complicity in genocide?

Continue reading “Biden’s Mixed Messages on Gaza Aren’t Fooling Veterans”