‘Utilize Weapons in a Responsible Way’

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

I was watching Congressman Ro Khanna question Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on 2/29 about Israel’s demolition of Gaza when Austin uttered a humdinger about trusting Israel to “utilize weapons that we provide them in a responsible way.” He said that after noting that Israel has already killed more than 25,000 women and children in Gaza.

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Biden’s 5th Gaza Veto in UN Makes Him an Ace… of Genocide

Nearly a thousand Palestinians were killed or wounded in Gaza Thursday after Israeli forces opened fire on people surrounding an aid convoy. The UN Security Council tried to pass a resolution condemning the massacre, but President Biden came to Israel’s defense with his fifth veto of Security Council votes to end Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Israel admitted they shot into the crowd all right, but it was the Palestinians fault for threatening Israeli soldiers and stampeding. First Israel starves the Palestinians fleeing US and Israeli bombs, then opens fire on them when they rush the food aid trucks.

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Disgust: My Government’s Support for Israel

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

Disgust is the word today that captures my feelings about the actions of “my” government. Disgust at facilitating and defending the Israeli genocide in Gaza, as casualties among Palestinians soar above 100,000. Disgust that Congress only clamors for more billions for Israel ($14 billion in the Biden administration’s bill; $17 billion in the alternate bill from the House Speaker) to enable more killing. Disgust at the strenuous efforts being exerted to get $61 billion in more weapons and aid to Ukraine while denying any oversight over or insight into how that money is spent. Disgust at the government seeking more billions to arm Taiwan, possibly stirring up a hornet’s nest of trouble with China. Disgust at constant fear-mongering about Russia hacking the 2024 presidential election, as if that “threat,” such as it is, can’t be countered and contained. Disgust.

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Remembering Nuclear Victims: Commemorating 70th Anniversary of the US Largest Nuclear Blast

Castle Bravo test

March 1st marks seventy years since the US used its biggest ever nuclear weapon – on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The bomb was 15 megatons, a thousand times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.  On this day we acutely remember the victims of the Castle Bravo nuclear blast and all other victims of the nuclear era, which has brought untold pain, death and damage, affecting both people and the planet in profoundly destructive and damaging ways.

Between 1946 and 1958 the US detonated 67 nuclear weapons in the Marshall Islands. The blasts vaporized whole islands, carved craters into the shallow lagoons and exiled hundreds of people from their homes. The Castle Bravo blast was the largest of all, sending  Particulate and gaseous fallout around the entire planet.

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