‘Jane Doe’ Who Immolated Herself at Israeli Consulate in Atlanta Last Year Is Still Alive

Reprint from Sam Husseini’s substack.   This is a developing news story and may be updated as more information is obtained. If you value such information, please support this Substack.

“Jane Doe” has been at Grady Hospital since Dec. 1. The hospital did not respond to repeated inquiries.

On Dec. 1, a woman immolated herself with a Palestinian flag outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta.

Now, according to the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department, the woman — referred to in their report as “Jane Doe” — is alive and “in stable condition” at Grady Memorial Hospital, where she has been since the immolation.

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Are All the Foreign Policy ‘Experts’ Secretly Putin Puppets?

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

What do the foreign policy “experts” do when their policies aren’t working? They demand more of the same, of course. So it is that two failed years of Western sanctions are met with demands to do more of what is not working. Also today, Rep. Massie warns us about the upcoming stopgap budget deal. Finally… let’s check in on how that war on the Houthis is going…

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

‘Napoleon’ Macron: ‘Let’s Send NATO Into Ukraine!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

French President Emmanuel Macron surprised European NATO members earlier this week by stating that it may be necessary to send NATO troops into Ukraine to fight Russia on a “bipartisan” basis. His European counterparts for the most part recoiled at the suggestion, with speculation about WWIII. Also today: Surprising poll on Gaza.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal: Next Evidentiary Video: Shock and Awe Episode 1

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal is holding accountable – through video testimony of witnesses – U.S. weapons manufacturers who produce and sell products which attack and kill not only combatants but non-combatants as well. Each week the Tribunal issues a new video segment offering evidence of guilt for the commission of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

The next evidentiary video of the Tribunal is an examination of Shock and Awe, the brutal invasion and bombing campaign against the people of Iraq facilitated by the four defendants in this Tribunal: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon (RTX), and General Atomics. The evidence presented here and in the weeks ahead will prove that these four defendants aided and abetted the U.S. government in the commission of War Crimes against Iraq. Narrated by Kathy Kelly – who was there during the bombing- this video is compelling evidence of guilt.

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The People of Gaza Are Being Deliberately Starved

The illegal and pointless U.S. war in Yemen continues:

The U.N. special rapporteur on the right to food Michael Fakhri charges Israel with the deliberate starvation of the Palestinians of Gaza:

“There is no reason to intentionally block the passage of humanitarian aid or intentionally obliterate small-scale fishing vessels, greenhouses and orchards in Gaza – other than to deny people access to food,” Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, told the Guardian.

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