Another Indefensible US Veto at the United Nations

The U.S. used its veto at the UN Security Council for the third time in this war to block a call for an immediate ceasefire:

The U.S. vetoed an Algerian proposal at the United Nations Security Council that called for a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza, saying that a cessation of hostilities without securing the release of hostages in Hamas’s captivity would only prolong the conflict.

The U.S. circulated a draft resolution ahead of the vote calling, instead, for a temporary cease-fire in Gaza “as soon as practicable” and in tandem with the release of all hostages taken on Oct. 7, as the Biden administration increasingly clashes with the Israeli government over the conduct of the war.

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The US ‘Solving World Problems’ Is Increasingly Reminiscent of Kafkaesque Stories

The United States is investing into the Ukrainian economy amounts equal to the budgets of some states. In return we, taxpayers, who have become unwitting sponsors of this support, receive only news about high-profile defeats and the loss of strategically important territories by Kyiv. This time, the fallen “bastion of Ukrainian defense” was Avdiivka. The news is painfully familiar after loss of Mariupol, Bakhmut and other cities extolled by the media as key elements of Ukrainian military power. Russia is moving inexorably towards its goal, despite all the efforts of the United States, its partners and Ukraine.

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America Never Was the Indispensable Nation

Richard C. Longworth, in his Chicago Tribune op-ed “Is America Still the Indispensable Nation?” ponders whether America will remain the world’s indispensable nation much longer.

His concern is that for the first time in the half century of polling by the Chicago Council of Global Affairs, a majority of Republicans think the US should stay out of world affairs. Longworth adds it is reinforced by GOP leadership which is jeopardizing continued US funding of Ukraine’s war against Russia. The resulting US pullback from world dominance, Longworth frets, will produce “global anarchy, a power vacuum drawing in any number of nations, many of them nuclear-armed.”

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Nancy Pelosi Is Pressing Charges Against Peace Activists

Reprinted from WorldBeyondWar with permission.

Nancy Pelosi is having peace activists charged with felonies for nonviolent activities in front of her San Francisco home, and yet not having them investigated for, much less charged with what she has publicly accused them of, namely working for both Russia and China.

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