Macron Plans a Crusade

According to many French, both ordinary folks and politicians, their president Macron could think of nothing crazier to divert attention away from farmers’ problems and increase his low 24% rating. The leader of the extreme left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said so explicitly: “Pitting one nuclear power against another nuclear power is madness.” In turn, Marine Le Pen, who represents extreme right-wing forces, said that Macron is playing with “the lives of our children.”

More influential forces, such as the Socialist Party and conservative Republicans, also condemned “the French president’s muscle play.” Notably, in the run-up to June’s European elections, Macron’s centrist liberal party is significantly behind the left and right parties in the polls.

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US House Goes Full ‘Gangster’ With Tik Tok Ban

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Yesterday’s House vote to either force the sale of Tik Tok or ban it entirely from the US is the most dangerous and anti-American act since the passage of the PATRIOT Act. The law will give the US president SOLE AUTHORITY to determine which businesses can and cannot operate in the United States. It is a full government takeover of our basic liberties.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Eight Senators Urge President Biden to End Offensive Military Aid to Israel if Israel Keeps Blocking US Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

We are five months into Israel’s devastating attacks on Gaza that President Joe Biden’s administration has continuously supported with the provision of weapons and intelligence essential to the war effort despite Congress not appropriating money for such. All the while, Biden and his executive branch cohorts have ridiculously claimed they support restraint in Israel’s pursuit of the war though that restraint never materializes. They have also extolled their virtue for providing aid to Gazans who have been thrust into horror by the Biden administration’s actions even as Israel blocks aid from reaching Gazans.

It’s all cheap talk from the Biden administration.

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Time Is Running Out To Stop a Major Famine in Gaza

The president pretends that his administration is working overtime to save lives in Gaza:

The United States is committed to pulling out every stop to get more aid to those in Gaza who desperately need it. We won’t stand by. We won’t let up.

None of this is true, but Biden needs the American public to believe that it is. The administration has not pulled out every stop, and in fact they seem unwilling to do much at all. The U.S. has not only been standing by while the Israeli government uses starvation as a weapon against the people of Gaza, but it also continues to provide that government with arms and diplomatic protection to assist them in their policy of collective punishment. The administration is trying to create a smokescreen with its public messages and stunts to distract from its ongoing complicity in the terrible crimes against the Palestinians of Gaza.

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Israeli Genocide Causing ‘Complete Psychological Destruction’ of Gaza Children

In addition to killing, maiming, and forcibly displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza has wrought tremendous psychological damage upon kids in the embattled strip, as detailed by a Save the Children report published Tuesday.

The charity’s report – entitled Trapped and Scarred: The Compounding Mental Harm Inflicted on Palestinian Children in Gaza – examines how “five months of violence, displacement, starvation, and disease on top of nearly 17 years of a blockade have caused relentless mental harm to children in Gaza.”

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