The ‘Human Rights Industry’ and Nicaragua

Reprinted from CovertAction Magazine.

Why do United Nations human rights bodies focus on some countries, but not others? Why do organizations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International appear to ignore important evidence presented to them? And why do the media repeat stories of human rights abuses without questioning their veracity?

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200+ Unions Launch Network To Push for Gaza Ceasefire

Seven national and over 200 local labor unions in the United States on Friday announced the establishment of a coalition to promote a cease-fire in Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

The American Postal Workers Union (APWU), the Association of Flight Attendants, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, the National Education Association, National Nurses United (NNU), the United Auto Workers (UAW), and the United Electrical Workers (UE), and 200 local unions and labor organizations launched the National Labor Network for Cease-fire (NLNC) to “end the death and devastation” in Gaza.

The coalition says it represents more than 9 million union workers – “more than half the labor movement in the United States.”

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Kamala Harris at Munich Tells You What America Is and Isn’t About

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

Yesterday, in her remarks before the Munich Security Conference, Vice President Kamala Harris made some remarkable claims while speaking a bold truth about what U.S. foreign policy is all about.

First, let’s turn to the bold truth:

And please do understand, [Vice President Harris said,] our approach is not based on the virtues of charity.  We pursue our approach because it is in our strategic interest.

I strongly believe America’s role of global leadership is to the direct benefit of the American people.  Our leadership keeps our homeland safe, supports American jobs, secures supply chains, and opens new markets for American goods.

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89-Year-Old Palestinian Woman, Witness and Victim of Israeli Genocide from the Nakba in 1948 to Gaza in 2024

Rayya, an 89-year-old Palestinian woman, is a survivor of the holocaust that has engulfed the Palestinian population since the Nakba of 1948.  She has now taken refuge in Rafah from the US-backed Gaza Genocide.  Her story is told briefly by her niece, Ghada Ageel, in Al-Jazeera under the headline “In Rafah, the final – and most deadly-stage of this genocide is upon us.”  Rayya’s biography reminds us vividly that history in historic Palestine did not begin on October 7.

There is another reason to read this brief piece on Rayya. The ongoing genocide in Gaza has been so widely reported in social media, over web outlets and in foreign media that it is hard for Western media to completely ignore the massive bombing and daily carnage.

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An Unfortunate Attack on Free, Responsible Journalism

John Hewko’s Chicago Tribune op-ed “With Vladimir Putin interview, Tucker Carlson Proves To Be the Walter Duranty of Our Time” is an unfortunate attack on free, responsible journalism.

Those of us in the peace community welcomed Tucker Carlson’s lengthy interview with Russian President Putin. It was a greatly needed counterpoint to US coverage of the Russo-Ukraine war which prohibits any information which might crack open America’s one sided war narrative. All concerned with the endless war destroying Ukraine and US dominance in Europe along with it, would benefit from obtaining the Russian perspective.

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