Pentagon to Troops: ‘Get Ready To Fight In Gaza!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Though the Biden Administration has said there will be no US troops on the ground in Israel’s war on Gaza, The Intercept reports yesterday on a US Air Force memo informing personnel to be “on standby to forward deploy to support troops in the case of on ground US involvement in the Israel Hamas war.” Our war? Also today: Nuland says NEVER to getting out of Syria and the EU goes Warsaw Pact on Hungary.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Funding Ukraine to Kill Russians

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

“Meanwhile, Ukraine is running out of ammunition.”

That was the last sentence in Heather Cox Richardson’s “Letters from an American” column for January 25, 2024.

I read her daily columns. She’s a strong supporter of the Democratic Party and Joe Biden. She believes Biden has performed well as president and that he’s leading America to a strong and sustainable economic recovery. She deplores Republicans and particularly Donald Trump. And, as her throwaway line above suggests, she’s a strong supporter of Biden’s foreign policy.

Continue reading “Funding Ukraine to Kill Russians”

Happy Birthday, Dr. Strangelove

Reprinted with permission from Greg Mitchell’s Substack Between Rock and a Hard Place.

This week we celebrate the 60th birthday of “Dr. Strangelove,” which debuted on January 29, 1964.  The first preview screening had been set for Nov. 22, 1963, but…. well, you know.  The premiere was then pushed back a bit.   Fortunately, Kubrick’s president, the balding Milton Muffley (one of three roles for Peter Sellers), was more Ike than JFK.

As a callow youth, I saw “Strangelove” in the theater and it instantly became my all-time favorite movie, and retained that position for many years. I would also say that it probably had the most influence on my career, since I went on to serve as editor of Nuclear Times, spent a month in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wrote about The Bomb for dozens of leading publications and then in three books, and most recently wrote and directed a PBS film titled “Atomic Cover-up.” So that’s…a lot.

Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Dr. Strangelove”

Ron Paul: Bombs Away, Biden?

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Mainstream media is reporting that President Biden has made a decision on how to respond to the drone strike that claimed three US service members over the weekend. Will it be a direct strike on Iran? More bombs in Iraq? Syria? And will he bother to get authorization from Congress? Also today, John Bolton’s “dire” warnings about Trump 2.0.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.