Halting UNRWA Funding Is Malicious Collective Punishment

Peter Beinart is a bit shocked by the sheer cruelty of the U.S. and European cutoff of funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA):

What does that mean in the midst of this humanitarian cataclysm? UNRWA is currently sheltering 1.2 million displaced people in Gaza, as 90% of people in Gaza have been displaced from their homes. It’s providing health care services to roughly 1 million people in Gaza. It is the lead actor in providing the humanitarian assistance – what little humanitarian assistance there is – that gives people in Gaza the chance that they might eat a bite of food that day, that their children might not die of typhoid or cholera. Probably the single most important institution in standing between people in Gaza and death right now is UNRWA. And the Biden administration is gonna suspend aid to UNRWA at this moment?

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Pelosi’s Attack on Gaza Ceasefire Advocates Is a Disgrace

Every day of America’s descent into moral depravity supporting, enabling Israel’s genocide in Gaza brings new madness.

Yesterday, former House Speaker went on CNN to compare the tens of millions of us Americans demanding ceasefire in Gaza to apologists spreading “Putin’s message. Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see.”

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Lindsey Graham Says ‘Hit Iran!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Yesterday’s attack on US troops in Syria/Jordan gave Sen. Lindsey Graham the opportunity to repeat his favorite chorus “Attack Iran!” While Republican hawks profess admiration for President Ronald Reagan, they suspiciously ignore one of his most important foreign policy decisions: to pull US troops from Lebanon where they were sitting ducks for attack. Also today: Texit for Texas?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

The Costs of Biden’s Backing for the War in Gaza Keep Increasing

Three U.S. servicemen were killed and dozens others were injured by a drone attack on their base in Jordan today. This latest attack is one of more than 160 launched since October 7 by local militias in Iraq and Syria at bases where U.S. forces are stationed. The war in Gaza and the Biden administration’s unconditional backing for the war have led to this terrible, predictable outcome. The costs of Biden’s backing for the war keep increasing.

Iraqi militias claimed responsibility for the attack:

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group for Iran-linked militias including Kataib Hezbollah and Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, claimed responsibility for the attack, according to a senior official with the organization, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in line with rules set by the group.

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