Without the State, Who’d Drag Us Into Other People’s Wars?

This article was posted shortly before the International Court of Justice ruled provisionally that Israel’s Gaza military operation can plausibly be described as acts outlawed by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The ICJ ordered Israel to take all actions possible to prevent the acts forbidden by the convention. But the court did not order a ceasefire. A full ruling will come later. The complaint against Israel had been filed by the Republic of South Africa.

What’s more off-putting than seeing U.S. government officials and their spokesmen trying to wriggle out of embarrassing questions about American support for Israel’s continuing atrocities against the people of the Gaza Strip? That’s the location of just the latest conflict into which we Americans have been dragged by our caring rulers without our consent. The previous one, in Ukraine, is still going on, though largely forgotten. Isn’t the state a wonderful thing?

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‘Black Hawk Down’ for Biden in the Red Sea

The breaking news that Ansar Allah (Houthi) fighters have fired on the USS Carney in the Red Sea today (Friday, 26 Jan.) underscores the shocking failure of the Biden Administration, which initiated airstrikes on the Houthis this month with no plan for “victory” beyond hoping that the mere presence of US warships would intimidate them into surrendering.

Even a junior Pentagon or State Department analyst could have advised the Administration that, based on everything we understand about the Houthis and their successful defeat of Saudi Arabia (and, by proxy, DC), lobbing a few missiles in their general direction was not going to result in an ocean of white flags raising over Aden.

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Biden Gearing Up for US Deaths in Syria and Iraq – War With Iran

Apparently, Joe Biden seeks to become the all-time champ at destroying countries during his presidency. Not satisfied at degrading Ukraine, Gaza and Yemen, he’s turned his gun sight on Iran.

His road to war with Iran is based on the premise they are behind the 140 missile attacks that have wounded over 70 US soldiers in Iraq and Syria. Of course, Biden has made those 3,400 soldiers there sitting ducks since they illegally occupy countries that for some strange reason, want them out.

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While Devils Discuss Political Issues in Paradise, Innocent Angels Die in Hell

The international community agrees that healthcare and humanitarian issues should be outside the politics, but when a new conflict arises everyone forgets about hundreds of starving children and people who need continuous medical care. When it comes to power and the influence in the geopolitical arena, the lives of people become insignificant and the lines between good and evil, morality and immorality fade. The current Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a vivid example.

It may seem that the USA starts to regret its involvement in the bloody Israeli-Palestinian massacre. However, could it have done something differently, given the current American government’s dependence on the Israeli lobby as well as the need to get support of the Jews ahead of the 2024 presidential elections?

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Over 1,500 Write-In Votes for CEASEFIRE in New Hampshire Primary

UPDATE (1/26, 6:00am EST): Associated Press’s final results omit any mention of the votes for CEASEFIRE in their report.

The New Hampshire Secretary of State has reported that over 1,500 voters wrote in CEASEFIRE in Tuesday’s primary.  A small number of votes have yet to be tabulated.

Reports as of Thursday morning show 1,497 Democrats and 34 Republicans wrote in CEASEFIRE.  These links require MS EXCEL to read.   The links to full county results are available here, also in EXCEL.   These links should have final updated counts within a few days.

Thanks go to the CEASEFIRE Campaign, as well as to the New Hampshire Secretary of State for making the decision to report these counts.