Yemen Strikes ‘Not Working’… So Biden Orders More Yemen Strikes!

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

President Biden has admitted that US airstrikes on Yemen have not “deterred” the Houthis from blocking ships from Israeli ports. In response, the Washington Post is reporting that Biden plans to escalate… but has no plan or authorization. This won’t end well.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.


The Israel Lobby vs. The Innocents of Gaza

Author Norman Solomon and Institute for Research Middle Eastern Policy (IRMEP) director Grant F. Smith talk about the Israel lobby, “unsinkable aircraft carrier” and “client state” canards, and AIPAC’s responsibility for Gaza.

They appeared on the Corporations and Democracy show on KZYX radio, hosted by Steve Scalmanini and Annie Esposito.

Transcript here.

Biden’s Dangerous Yemen Blunder Is Already Backfiring

The immediate consequences of U.S./U.K. military action in Yemen shouldn’t surprise anyone. Just as opponents of the strikes said, attacking the Houthis has made the threat to commercial shipping worse:

The US and UK’s decision to hit back at Houthi militants after weeks of attacks on merchant shipping in the Red Sea has only escalated the chaos across the shipping industry, underscoring the threat of an enduring supply-chain crisis as vessels navigate the crucial trade route.

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Illinois Senators Duckworth, Durbin Vote To Continue Weaponizing Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

My Illinois Senators Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin had their chance to make a dent in Israel’s ongoing 102 day genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. They voted to continue it.

Senator Bernie Sanders offered a mild resolution calling on the State Department to determine if the billions in US 2,000 lb. bombs and other weapons Israel uses to make Gaza uninhabitable are committing human rights violations there. Under the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, US weapons aid would be frozen if such violations are found occurring.

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