Netanyahu to Congo, Jordan, Egypt, Chad, Rwanda: ‘Who Will Rid Me of These Pesky Palestinians?’

After 97 days of his genocidal ethnic cleansing of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu has only wiped out 1%. It’s actually a tad higher as thousands of innocents lay dead under the rubble of over a hundred thousand buildings destroyed by Israeli and US bombs.

At that rate it will take him 9,700 days to complete the clearing of Gaza for Greater Israel.

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ADL Report Decried for Equating Anti-Zionism With Antisemitism

The Anti-Defamation League came under fire Wednesday after publishing a report that significantly expanded the group’s definition of antisemitic incidents to include demonstrations against Israel’s U.S.-backed genocidal war on Gaza.

“For the first time, the ADL is counting pro-Palestinian rallies that do not feature overt hostility toward Jews in its count of antisemitic incidents,” Jewish Daily Forward antisemitism reporter Arno Rosenfeld noted on social media in response to the organization’s new report, which lists what it claims are 3,283 anti-Jewish occurrences in the United States in the three months after the Hamas-led attacks on Israel that left more than 1,100 Israelis and others dead and over 200 others taken hostage.

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The US Is Choosing Escalation and a Wider War

Spencer Ackerman is not impressed by defenses of the U.S./U.K. strikes in Yemen:

The respectable set says that once the Houthis started attacking Red Sea shipping, a U.S. reprisal was inevitable. There’s a lazy-person’s truth here, for sure. Like the Royal Navy before it, the U.S. Navy sails under the banner of free trade. Any form of trade requires safe shipping lanes. Suez Canal traffic is down by something like 25 percent. Something like 10-12 percent of global commerce traverses the Red Sea.

The problem with this sort of thinking is that it confuses a justification for a military action with a strategy that produces a desired result. It treats a choice as an inevitability, and then, when convinced there is no alternative, intensifies a losing course of action when the choice doesn’t produce the desired result and instead makes everything worse.

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22 Years, 4 Presidents, and Just 1 Conviction Later, Dozens Still Jailed at Guantanamo

Human rights defenders marked 22 years since the opening of the U.S. military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba with renewed calls for President Joe Biden to fulfill his stated intention to close the notorious torture camp, where 30 men—16 of them cleared for release—remain behind bars.

Like most of the roughly 750 prisoners released from Guantánamo, the majority of remaining detainees have never been charged with any crime. Only one—Ali Hamza Ahmad Suliman al-Bahlul, a Yemeni national—has ever been convicted of terrorism-related charges under the highly controversial military commission regime established by the George W. Bush administration in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

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Bombing Another Country for Peace

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

Last night, the U.S. bombed another country, Yemen, in the name of the “rules-based order.” Yemen has been striking shipping as a form of protest against the ongoing Israeli genocide-in-slow-motion in Gaza. It always looks good when the U.S. uses its military to enable mass murder elsewhere. I’m sure the “peace bombs” we dropped will bring stability to the region.

The U.S. military bombs and launches Tomahawk missiles as its answer to everything. Meanwhile, our dynamic commander in chief, Joe Biden, launched a new front in this war of terror without Congressional authorization, an impeachable offense. But of course most in Congress will salute him for taking “decisive” action by bombing yet another poor country with brown-skinned Muslim people living in it. Perhaps Biden is counting on being a “wartime president” as a way to eke out a narrow victory in November.

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With Attack on Yemen, the US Is Shameless: ‘We Make the Rules, We Break the Rules’

Have you heard the one about the U.S. government wanting a “rules-based international order”?

It’s grimly laughable, but the nation’s media outlets routinely take such claims seriously and credulously. Overall, the default assumption is that top officials in Washington are reluctant to go to war, and do so only as a last resort.

The framing was typical when the New York Times just printed this sentence at the top of the front page: “The United States and a handful of its allies on Thursday carried out military strikes against more than a dozen targets in Yemen controlled by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, U.S. officials said, in an expansion of the war in the Middle East that the Biden administration had sought to avoid for three months.”

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