War Profits and War Lies: Tricks of the Deep State Trade

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

It is through constant lies that the war party generates the wars that bring them unlimited profits. As Congress ponders spending nearly another $100 billion on permanent wars, how do they keep fooling Americans into thinking it’s “national security”? Also today: Ukraine weapons skim. Finally: New poll spells trouble for Biden’s Middle East policy.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Matthew Hoh: Channeling Carnac the Magnificent

I was asked to answer some questions by a Polish author, Michael Krupka, for a book he is publishing later this year. The questions required me to provide my thoughts in a manner that came out resembling predictions. I’ve long been a fan of Yogi Berra’s maxim: predictions are hard, especially about the future. That said, read on if you’d like to know what I think will happen with regards to the Middle East, NATO and Russia, the role of Gaza in the 2024 elections, and what a Trump foreign policy might look like.

Please let me know your thoughts and responses in the comments. I can also elaborate further on my responses as some of what I write below is quite broad.

Can it be said that the War in Gaza has already changed the balance of power in the Middle East, i.e., that Joe Biden was, in essence, correct when he stated a few weeks back that there will be no going back to the status quo before Oct 7th?

Continue reading “Matthew Hoh: Channeling Carnac the Magnificent”


On January 23, Japan and Australia signed an agreement to enhance strategic capabilities in robotic and autonomous systems for undersea warfare.

This project is the first under a bilateral research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) arrangement signed in June 2023.

The research project will contribute to strategic capabilities in undersea communication and interoperability between Japan and Australia.

Continue reading “What Is JAUKUS?”

They Hate Us for Our Bases and Bombs

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

The recent deaths of three U.S. soldiers near the Jordanian-Syrian border made me reflect on an obvious fact: It would be hard to kill U.S. soldiers in the Middle East if they weren’t based and deployed there.

When we hear that U.S. troops are killed overseas, rarely do most Americans ask the question, What exactly were they doing in Jordan, or Syria, or Iraq, or Qatar, or the UAE, or Saudi Arabia, and so on. Why does America still have roughly 30,000 U.S. troops in the Middle East, not counting ex-military “civilian” contractors? Why are there still so many U.S. military bases in the area, even in countries like Iraq that say they don’t want them? And what about U.S. bases Syria, the presence of which constitutes an act of (undeclared, of course) war? Continue reading “They Hate Us for Our Bases and Bombs”

The US Has Never Been ‘Dragged’ Into the Middle East

Hal Brands repeats a very popular lie about U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East:

Every recent president gets their Middle Eastern war, whether they want it or not. Since Ronald Reagan’s time, each administration has engaged in at least one significant military conflict in the region. Even presidents who wanted nothing more than to escape the Middle East were, almost ineluctably, dragged back in. Now it’s Joe Biden’s turn.

Every time that the U.S. has involved itself in wars in the Middle East, it has done so by choice. There was no vital interest that compelled the U.S. to send troops to Lebanon or to support Iraq in its war with Iran. The U.S. then chose to intervene to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait, and then it chose to keep a significant military presence in the region after the war. Clinton’s military operations in Iraq were relatively minor, but they were far from being obligatory.

Continue reading “The US Has Never Been ‘Dragged’ Into the Middle East”

Ron Paul: Biden’s Bombing Bid Backfires in Middle East

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

The Biden Administration’s attacks on Syria and Iraq over the weekend was supposed to deter the various militias from continuing to attack US military outposts in the two countries. But it hasn’t worked. And it won’t work. As Doug Macgregor writes in the American Conservative, Biden’s bombing is “pointless…virtue signalling.” Also today: Senate border bill is DOA in the House. Speaker Johnson moves to fund Israel in a standalone bill.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.