Don’t Intervene in Yemen

The phenomenally stupid idea of attacking the Houthis is getting more support:

Saudi Arabia is among a number of Middle Eastern countries telling the West they back strikes against the Houthis in Yemen whose attacks on shipping in the Red Sea have diminished commercial traffic in the vital waterway.

If this report is true, this is just evidence that the Saudi government is back to its old reckless tricks. One might have thought that almost nine years of failed intervention in Yemen would have been enough to sour Riyadh on more military action there, but it seems that the crown prince and his advisers refuse to learn anything. U.S. attacks on Yemen will be dangerous not only for American interests, but they will also backfire on other U.S. clients in the region, especially if they are seen as supporting the attacks.

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Blinken Rebuffed in Israel: ‘No Palestinian Return to North Gaza!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Israel trying to convince Tel Aviv to slow down on killing civilians, stop flattening infrastructure, and to not ethnically cleanse Gaza of Palestinians. Israel’s response thus far has been a hard “no.” Has Washington ever been so impotent? Also today, thousands of amputee children in Gaza continue to suffer as US-provided bombs destroy their lives.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

On Gaza, Most Congress Members Have Been Moral Failures. Don’t Grade Them on a Curve.

The vast majority of Congress members have refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza during three months of slaughter by Israel’s military. Capitol Hill remains a friendly place for the Israeli government as it keeps receiving massive arms shipments courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.

“Israel would not be able to conduct this war without the U.S., which over time has provided Israel with about 80 percent of the country’s weapons imports,” Vox reports. The distance between the Capitol and Gaza can be measured by the vast disconnect between the standard discourse of U.S. politics and the terroristic carnage destroying Palestinian people.

Continue reading “On Gaza, Most Congress Members Have Been Moral Failures. Don’t Grade Them on a Curve.”

Justin Amash’s Family in Gaza

Reprinted from Justin Amash’s Substack.

As some of you know, I have relatives in Gaza. They are my dad’s first cousins. Tragically, several of them were killed in October when an Israeli airstrike destroyed part of the complex at Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church where they had been sheltering.

The past few months have been extremely difficult for our cousins in Gaza and heartbreaking for our family in the United States. There’s no avenue to get them out, and our communication with them has been sporadic since November. Occasionally, I’ll receive a passed-along message about their well-being, which at least lets me know they’re still alive.

A lot of people were surprised to learn there are Christians living in Gaza, but this community has existed since the earliest days of Christianity. Followers of Christ have long called Gaza home.

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