Where’s the Other Side of Russo-Ukraine War Discussion?

We in the peace community have no issue with the Chicago Tribune publishing letters supporting Ukraine victory over Russia in their nearly 2 year war.

But publishing two letters Friday, both of which call for robust US support to defeat Russia, paints a false narrative that public opinion is 100% behind endless weaponizing of Ukraine to achieve victory. Polls consistently show that a majority of Americans support negotiations instead of endless weapons to end this horrific war.

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The Most Bizarre Football Bowl Game Ever – in the Ruins of Nagasaki

Reprinted with permission from Greg Mitchell’s newsletter Oppenheimer: From Hiroshima to Hollywood.

The Atomic Bowl, January 1, 1946

The famed biologist Jacob Bronowski revealed in 1964 that his classic study Science and Human Values was born at the moment he arrived in Nagasaki in November 1945, three months after the atomic bombing (which killed at least 75,000 civilians) with a British military mission sent to study the effects of the new weapon.

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‘Another Night of Killing and Massacres’ in Gaza

The Associated Press reports that dozens more civilians were killed in last night’s airstrikes in northern Gaza:

“It was another night of killing and massacres,” said Saeed Moustafa, a resident of the Nuseirat camp. He said people were still crying out from the rubble of a house hit by an airstrike on Wednesday.

“We are unable to get them out. We hear their screams but we don’t have equipment,” he said.

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Annual ‘Defense’ Bill Leaves Selective Service in Limbo

On Friday, 22 December 2023, President Biden signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the Federal government’s 2024 fiscal year into law.

The signing of the annual NDAA has often been an occasion for pomp and publicity, but this year it was done with no public ceremony and the tersest possible statement from the White House, on a date chosen to minimize news coverage and public notice.

Notably, this year’s NDAA as enacted makes no mention whatsoever of the Selective Service System.

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Conflicts of Interest: Day X Approaches for Julian Assange guest Misty Winston

Misty Winston returns to the for a bonus show to discuss Julian Assange, the CIA, and the East Palestine train wreck.

Misty is the host of the Misty Winston Show on TNT radio daily 5-6est. Follow her on X @SarcasmStardust

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