LA vs NSA, vs FBI (or Us vs the Empire)

Thursday, November 14th, 6:30pm at Huffington Center at St. Sophia Cathedral, a coalition of activists will be introducing LA vs NSA: How to Push Back Against Warrantless Spying as part of the Stop NSA Spying Coalition. The Huffington Center is located at 1324 Normandie Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90006. Parking is free.
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Happy Birthday

Dear Peace Lovers,

December is a very special month for With pride, we celebrate both the founding of and the birthday of our founder, Eric Garris this Friday, December 24th. From Kosovo to Kandahar, has given you the best in foreign policy from a truly patriotic perspective that commands respect from both the left and the right.

For the past decade and a half, “ represents the truly pro-America side of the foreign policy debate. With our focus on a less centralized government and freedom at home, we consider ourselves the real American patriots. ‘America first!’ regards the traditions of a republican government and non-interventionism as paramount to freedom – a concept that helped forge the foundation of this nation.”

We’ve stayed true to our mission because you have stayed true to your commitment to peace.

Please consider commemorating the occasion with a year end tax deductible donation to Need help? Please contact Angela Keaton at 323-512-7095.

Peace to you and yours this Holiday Season,

The Staff of