Carolyn Eisenberg and Gael Murphy sent this late last night. Please share. Eisenberg and Murphy are co-conveners of the United for Peace and Justice Legislative Working Group.
By Carolyn Eisenberg and Gael Murphy
Some readers probably heard on the news how the Democrats were hopping mad when the House Republicans voted recently to overturn the “sequester” on the Defense budget, enacted at the end of the year as part of the deficit reduction deal. With that money restored, House Republicans cheerfully went about their business of making up the difference by slashing food stamps, Medicaid for children, federally supported Meals-on-Wheels for the elderly and other vulnerable programs. Democrats were united in opposing this move and promptly incorporated it into the campaign narrative of hard-hearted, mean-spirited Republicans, whom they are determined to challenge and expose come November.
But one odd thing occurred last week. In the House Armed Services Committee, when the Republicans put forward a sequester- busting $642.5 billion for the 2013 Defense Authorization bill, Democrats on the Committee overwhelmingly supported it in a lop-sided vote of 56-5.
Continue reading “Action Item: Civics 101 — Cutting Defense Means? Not Voting for $642.5 Billion for the Military”