AMY GOODMAN: A former US Marine who killed two unarmed Iraqis is running for a congressional seat in North Carolina... Ilario Pantano has said he has no regrets about fatally shooting the two at point-blank range after detaining them near Fallujah in April 2004....
Can YOUR card do this? AMY GOODMAN: Let me ask you how war fits into this. I mean, you co-wrote the book with Linda Bilmes, The Three Trillion Dollar War. How does war fit into our problems with the economy? JOSEPH STIGLITZ: Well, war fits in because you're creating a...
OOPS! Again.
...allegedly "hacked" software, in the case of the CIA, is now being used to guide killer drones to their targets, according to IISI's legal pleadings, despite the fact that the modified software doesn't function properly... --CIA Drone-Code Scandal Now Has...
Now Comes the Deadly ‘Peace’ for Iraq
One soldier, the first since the symbolic withdrawal, lost his or her life during a rocket attack today in Basra.
Wikipedia: Iraq War ‘Over’
Wikipedia as Democratic mouthpiece? The user-written and -edited site has been accused of left-leaning judgments on the part of its dominant editors, but not necessarily of hewing to any party line. But now, one must wonder: Wikipedia trumpets the White House talking...
Surge Lies Come Home to Haunt Us
Chicago's South Side is indulging itself in a bit of nostalgia for the '80s and '90s. Michelle Obama's hood is overrun with gang-related murders; deaths are at the same rate as US soldiers dying in both major theaters of the US' "War on Terror." Government must do...
Grim Milestone: 5,000 GIs Dead in Iraq, Afghanistan Wars
Among the six U.S. servicemember deaths so far reported in June, one soldier has become the 5,000th casualty of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
No Means No
A US patrol attempts to enter an Iraqi university campus, but is stopped at the gates by campus officials. Six months ago if we saw this as a lead in to a story, there was a good bet the rest of it would involve the university president being marched out into the...
Al-Qaeda’s Moroccan Swedish Iraqi Leader
It appears that the US raid in Mosul we reported earlier this month which killed 11, including several women and children, was in fact the same raid that killed Abu Qaswarah, the much ballyhooed al-Qaeda in Iraq second in command. Qaswarah has an interesting...
The Icing on the Yellowcake
It was brought to my attention this morning that some people have recently been using last month's Iraqi government sale of Yellowcake uranium to a Canadian company as vindication for starting everyone's favorite Middle East quagmire that's totally going less awful...