The empire is in a particularly testy and truculent mood. Two of its appendages have, virtually simultaneously, eschewed ceasefires in their respective campaigns of aggression. Both have bombarded civilian centers with airstrikes, and Ukraine has been rolling in...
Video: Elderly Israeli Fighter Talks About 1948 Genocide
Electronic Intifada's Benjamin Doherty shared a video from "Nakba"-awareness group Zochrot - "Remembering" - of a former Palmach fighter who participated in the expulsion of unarmed Palestinian Arabs from their villages in Southern Israel. Amnon Neumann casually...
Christopher Hitchens’ ‘Fundamentalist’ Exemption for Zionism
In Arab culture there is a strong imperative to not speak ill of the dead, but I'm going to have to make an exception for Christopher Hitchens. Knowing Hitchens, I'm sure he'd approve. Hitchens had a tenacity and ferociousness that would not compromise for...
Palestinians Ride in the Front of the Bus
Actually, they were merely on the bus as it entered Jerusalem, which is confrontation enough. Free and democratic Israel has such a convoluted and restrictive system of permitting for Palestinians going anywhere that Arabs living in what are considered Jerusalem...
Peres Sabotages Abbas with Praise
Israel has always undercut any possible peace process, but its tactics are big and small. Officials don't have to start a war in Gaza to break a truce with Hamas, they can also just say things like "Abbas is the best Palestinian leader for Israel." Thus spake...
Inventing Palestinian Bigotry for Political Gain
Last week, Jamie Weinstein of the conservative Daily Caller, who I tangoed with over the motivations behind 9/11, wrote a scandalous piece entitled, "Palestinian ambassador reiterates call for a Jew-free Palestinian state." The ambassador in question was Maen Rashid...
Israeli Rule of Law for Palestinians Under Occupation
What Palestinians living under occupation face on a daily basis is often overlooked. There is this entirely false conception popular among Joe Smoes as well as policy wonks that the conflict consists of two equal sides and an elusive solution. Elliot Abrams, senior...
Are Segregation and Loyalty to the State Solutions to Conflict?
Last week we got a rather explicit perspective on what exactly is the driving ideological and political force driving Israeli policies of territory and statehood with Palestinians through the deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset who unabashedly rejected the notion...
Netanyahu Uses ‘J14’ Protests to Steal More of Palestine — and Israelis Let Him
This was written two weeks ago and sent to hundreds of American newspapers -- only one of which said they'd run it. We never herd back from them after embargoing this piece for days. It's not quite timely anymore, but these were my views on the "J14" protest movement...
The Cherry-Picking Fantasy Land of Elliot Abrams
At the blog for the Council on Foreign Relations, Elliot Abrams concludes that people who think illegal settlement construction hinders the Israeli-Palestinian peace process are not living "in the real world." Abrams has argued before, amazingly, that settlements in...