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Updated September 24, 2023 - 8:27 PM EDT
US Ready To Provide Kiev With Cluster ATACMS
  Kyiv Launches More Attacks on Sevastopol in Crimea
  Zelensky Gets More Cluster Bombs in DC Visit
McCarthy Restores Ukraine Funding to DoD Bill
  28 Republicans Tell Biden They're Against More Ukraine Aid
  Pentagon Exempts Ukraine Operations From Government Shutdown
Gen. Defends Prediction of War With China by 2025
  US Deploys Drone Ships Near China for the First Time
Netanyahu, MbS Suggest Normalization Progress
  Sen. Murphy Wary of Committing 'American Blood' to Saudi Arabia
Australian MPs in US Call for Assange's Freedom
US to Finance Kenyan Soldiers for Mission to Haiti
Sen. Menendez Indicted on Scheme Benefiting Egypt Govt
item Strident Hawks Who Have Russians in Their Closet  by Branko Marcetic
item Tel Aviv's Losing Brands: Israeli 'Coup' and the Death of False Democracy  by Ramzy Baroud
item The US Economic War on China  by Jeffrey D. Sachs
item American War Crimes Are Quickly Forgotten  by Kym Robinson

More Viewpoints

Assad Visit Will Take Syria-China Ties to 'New Level': Beijing
Senators Urge Payments for Americans Harmed by Nuclear Tests
At Least 200 Killed, 400 Wounded in Karabakh Operation: Artsakh
Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinian Houses, Vehicles in Northern West Bank
Palestinian Boy Discovers Undercover Israeli Forces, They Kill Him: Rights Group
Palestinian Officials Happy After Saudis Convene Event in US
Palestinian Detainee Sultan Khalouf Suspends Hunger Strike After Securing Release Date
Israel's Closure of Erez Crossing Puts Palestinian Jobs at Risk
UN Reports Says West Bank Settler Violence Has Displaced Over 1,100 Palestinians Since 2022
Israelis Launch Campaign to Free Killer Responsible for Deadly Arson Attack
Israeli Forces Break Into Palestinian Elementary School Near Jerusalem
What's Happening With Normalizing Ties Between Saudi Arabia and Israel?
Middle East
Iraq Discusses Natural Gas Investments With US Firms
Jordan, Lebanon Warn of Severity of Syrian Refugee Crisis
Iranian Court Gives a Tajik Man Two Death Sentences for an Attack at a Major Shi'ite Shrine
Eleven Things We Learned From Saudi Crown Prince Interview
Kuwait PM Says Iraqi Waterway Ruling Has 'Historical Fallacies'
Turkey and Israel Will Explore Joint Drilling in East Mediterranean, Erdogan Says
Two Activists Freed in Philippines After Being 'Abducted by the Military'
Filipino Activists Accuse Marcos of 'Witch-Hunt'
South Korea Lawmakers Vote To Sack Prime Minister
Pakistan to Hold General Elections in Last Week of January, Says Poll Panel
India Suspends Visa Services for Citizens of Canada and Tells It To Cut Its Diplomats
US to Provide $116 Million in Humanitarian Aid for Myanmar, Bangladesh
North America
Canada Gets Muted Allied Support After Alleging India May Have Been Involved in Killing of Canadian
Mexico Sought 16 More Military Arrests Over 43 Missing Students, President Says
The War at Home
Republican Rebels Block Pentagon Funding Bill in Gut Punch to Kevin McCarthy

US Army Failing to Ensure Family Housing 'Safe' From Lead Paint, Asbestos

Turkey's Erdogan Says He Doesn't Agree With Others' Negative Approach Toward Putin
Russian Air Attacks Hit Ukraine Cities From East to West, More Than 20 Hurt

Yellen Signals Support for Windfall Tax on Frozen Russian Assets

Nagorno-Karabakh Belligerents Trade Barbs as UN Security Council Demands Peace
Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians Seek Guarantees Before Handing Arms to Baku
Armenians Wait Forlornly for Relatives at Border With Azerbaijan
Bulgarian Nationalists Protest Against NATO Bases, Want Government Out
Spain Acquiring 25 Additional Eurofighter Jets
Switzerland Parliament Approves Burqa Ban
UK to Charge Five Bulgarian Nationals With Spying for Russia

Ethiopia's Lalibela Rocked by Artillery Fire: Residents

US Contractor Charged With Giving Classified Information to Ethiopia
Central African Republic Leader Blames West's 'Plundering' of Africa for Migrant Crisis
16 Killed in Burkina Faso 'Terrorist' Attacks
DR Congo President Tshisekedi Seeks Withdrawal of UN Peacekeepers This Year
Nine Killed by Unknown Assailants in Northern Ghana: Local Official
Libya Flood Disaster Displaced Over 43,000 People: IOM
'Truly Unbearable': Timbuktu Suffocates Under Jihadist Blockade
Diplomatic Solution in Niger 'Still Possible': Senegal
Port Sudan Fighting Reflects Tribal-Army Tensions
Two French Journalists Expelled From Morocco as Tensions Revive Between Rabat and Paris
Three South African Navy Personnel Dead in Freak Submarine Incident at Sea
Read more

Ramzy Baroud
Tel Aviv's Losing Brands: Israeli 'Coup' and the Death of False Democracy

Ted Snider
Fact Checking Biden's UN Speech: Words Versus Action

Ted Galen Carpenter
Washington Is the Matchmaker for the Russia-North Korea Romance

Daniel Larison
Hawks Want Biden To Take the Fight With Russia Global

David Stockman
Why the American Empire Was Expanded to Ukraine and Taiwan

Doug Bandow
How Will America's Borrow and Spend Politicians Pay for an Imperial Foreign Policy?

Sheldon Richman
Shame on Government for Censoring Us

Ray McGovern
Dan Ellsberg's Parting Plea: Don't Wait

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

Scott Horton
Iraq War II – 20 Years Later

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin's 'Winter War' on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
'I Know You Are But What Am I': Russia's Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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