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Updated December 8, 2023 - 8:18 PM EST
US Vetoes UN Call for Humanitarian Gaza Ceasefire
  US Says No Deadline for Israel's Gaza Onslaught
  Israel's Air Campaign Is One of the Heaviest in History
  Inside a Gaza Hospital: Screaming Children, Amputee Toddlers
  Investigation Finds Israeli Tank Shell Killed Journalist in Lebanon
Senate Votes Down Resolution to Leave Syria
  US Tells Israel Not to Strike the Houthis In Yemen
  'Extremist' March at Al Aqsa Mosque Aborted After Police Probe
US to Help Ukraine Increase Its Own Arms Production
US Military Conducting Flight Operations in Guyana
US Granted Access to Sweden's Military Bases
item Dying To Be Free: Releasing Palestinian Captives Is Not a Numbers Game  by Ramzy Baroud
item Why Join the Military to Defend Everyone Except Americans?  by Doug Bandow
item America's War for the Greater Middle East (continued)  by Andrew Bacevich
item President Biden's War Pigs  by Edward Lozansky & Robert Zapesochny

More Viewpoints

Palestinian Men Stripped and Detained by Israeli Army in Northern Gaza
West Africa Court Won't Recognize Niger Junta, Rejects Lifting Sanctions
Israel Intensifies Daily Raids on Occupied West Bank

Israeli Army Shoots Palestinian Street Vendor With Special Needs

We Blew Up Israeli Houses on October 7, Says Israeli Colonel
Israeli Civilian Killed by Anti-Tank Missile in North as Hezbollah Attacks Continue
Israel-Hamas Conflict Sparks Meta Oversight Board's First Emergency Case
Israel's Foreign Minister Orders Diplomatic Passports for Netanyahu's Son Yair, Party Members
Biden's Israel Support Leaves Him as Isolated as Russia on World Stage: Bremmer
Why Pro-Palestine Protesters Rallied Outside an Israeli-Owned Eatery in Philadelphia
AP-NORC Poll: Democratic Support for Biden Ticks Up on Handling of Israel-Hamas War
The Fishermen of Jaffa: Harmony Becomes Fear Amid Israel-Gaza War
Turkey Rejects 'Buffer Zone' Plan for Gaza, Erdogan Says
Erdogan Eyes Reset With Greece Amid War in Gaza and Talks With US Over F-16s
Middle East
Iran Orders US to Pay $50 Billion for Soleimani Assassination

US Launched 40 Missions Against ISIS Last Month

Syria Appoints Envoy to Saudi Arabia After 11 Years

Cameron, Blinken Say They Discussed 'Vital' US Air Base at Diego Garcia

Algeria, US Discuss Military Cooperation and Arms Deals
UN Envoy Paints a Grim Scene of Human Rights in Algeria
Egypt's Sisi Poised for Third Term as Gaza Distracts From Economic Troubles
Egyptian Streets Flooded With Pro-Sisi Signs as People Forced to Endorse President
Pakistan Envoy Claims Afghanistan Hosts TTP Militants
China Rejects Spying Concerns From Costa Rica Leader Over 5G Network
Indonesian Air Force Receives Eight Airbus H225M Multi-Role Helicopters
Myanmar' Army Is Facing Battlefield Challenges and Grants Amnesty to Troops Jailed for Being AWOL
Australia and Papua New Guinea Sign 'Historic' Security Pact
Latin America
United States-Born Pinochet Hitman's 'Confessions' Declassified
Helicopter With Five Guyana Military Officials Is Missing Near Border With Venezuela
Israeli Forces Destroy Central Archive of Gaza City
Israel Drops Leaflets in Gaza With Quran Verse Warning of 'Floods'
Humanitarian Conditions in Gaza Near Collapse as Israeli Attacks Intensify
Dems Call for More Oversight of US Weapons in Gaza
Hundreds of Jewish Organization Staffers Call for White House to Back Gaza Ceasefire
Israeli Soldiers Set Up Chabad House in Damaged Gaza Homes
Israel Detains New Arab Reporter in Mass Arrest, Beating of Men at Gaza Shelter
Displacement, Death, Hunger as Israel's War on Gaza Enters Third Month
Gaza Hostage Talks Hit Roadblock, Raising Fears of Prolonged Captivity
Son of Israeli Minister Killed in Gaza Battles: Statement
Two Months of War in Gaza Leave Elderly and Newborns Destitute and Displaced
Israel and US Are at Odds Over Conflicting Visions for Postwar Gaza
Strikes on Gaza Sow Fear in Last Areas Left for Civilians
US Would Object to 'Buffer Zone' Inside Gaza Strip: State Dept
Dozens of Palestinians Killed and Injured in New Israeli Massacres Across Gaza
Israeli Army Admits to Three More Soldiers Killed in Gaza Battles
Israeli Airstrikes Destroys Ancient Mosque in Gaza City
17,177 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Strikes on Gaza Since Oct. 7
'Alarming' Increase in Drug-Resistant Germs in Ukraine
Putin Continues His Blitz Round of Mideast Diplomacy by Hosting the Iranian President
Romania's Plan to Boost Ukraine Grain Transit Very Achievable, Minister Says
Ukraine to Use Trains to Move Blocked Lorries Across Polish Border
Armenia Backs Azerbaijan to Host COP29 Climate Conference
Azerbaijan's Aliyev Calls Snap Presidential Elections for February
Denmark's Parliament Adopts Law Banning Quran Burnings
Work Starts on Germany's Biggest Warship Since World War II
Spain Says Agents Linked to US Embassy Had Allegedly Bribed Spanish Agents for Secrets
The War at Home
Congress Moves to Save F-22s From the Boneyard, Once Again
US Coast Guard Promises Reforms After Members Say They Don't Feel Safe
Ospreys Had Safety Issues Long Before They Were Grounded
Hawley Says Radiation Exposure Compensation Amendment Stripped From Defense Bill
Read more

Ramzy Baroud
Dying to Be Free: Releasing Palestinian Captives Is Not a Numbers Game

Ted Snider
It’s Unanimous: Ukrainian Neutrality Could Have Brought Peace

Sheldon Richman
Jewish Dissent on the Balfour Declaration

Ron Paul
Lloyd Austin: Non-Interventionists Are the Real Enemy

David Stockman
How American Neocons Wrecked the Middle East and Ukraine

Daniel Larison
The Warfare of Starvation

Ted Galen Carpenter
Some Alleged Restrainers Are Just Selective Ultra-Hawks

Scott Horton
Netanyahu’s Support for Hamas Backfired

Doug Bandow
How Will America’s Borrow and Spend Politicians Pay for an Imperial Foreign Policy?

Ray McGovern
Dan Ellsberg’s Parting Plea: Don’t Wait

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs. Antiwar.com

Additional Contributors
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