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Updated January 31, 2024 - 9:17 PM EST
US Plans Long Campaign Against Iranian Targets
US Troops on Standby for Potential Gaza Mission
  Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah Suspends Military Operations Against US
  Pentagon: No Evidence Iran Behind Jordan Attack
Netanyahu Rejects Gaza Pullout for Hostage Deal
  Israel DM: Troops Will Go Into Action 'Very Soon' in Lebanon
  Israeli Forces Dressed as Medics Raid Hospital in Jenin, Killing Three
Hamas Reasserts Control of Areas of N. Gaza
  Israel Fails to Produce Evidence to Justify Cemetery Destruction
EU Plans to Sabotage Hungary's Economy for Ukraine
  NATO Chief Visits US to Push for Ukraine Aid
US to Deploy Nuclear Weapons to the UK
item Remote Warfare and Expendable People  by Nick Turse
item Is the EU a Direct Partner in the Israeli Genocide in Gaza?  by Ramzy Baroud
item USA Keeps Fighting for Iran  by Scott Horton
item Bring US Troops Home From Iraq and Syria Now  by Paul R. Pillar

More Viewpoints

US Lawmakers Clash Over UNRWA Funding in Heated Congressional Hearing
Israeli Army Knows Bombing Tunnels Can Spread Toxic Gases, Report Says
Ukraine's Government Submits Amended Mobilization Bill to Parliament
Ukraine's Strikes Hurt Putin's Attempts to Reassure Russians
Ukraine Defense Contact Group Launches New Drone Coalition
Ukraine's Military Spy Chief Expects Russia's Offensive to Fizzle by Spring
France Condemns Israeli Gaza 'Resettlement' Conference
France's Government Announces New Measures to Calm Farmers' Protests, as Barricades Squeeze Paris
Croatian Army Buys Eight Black Hawk Helicopters From US
Czech Republic to Acquire
24 F-35 Fighter Jets From US
Greece-Turkey Arms Race Continues
Northern Ireland Agreement Could End Deadlock, Restore Government
Three NATO Allies Sign Deal to Speed Up Military Deployments to Eastern Flank
Poland's New Government Asks Germany to Think Creatively About Compensation for World War II Losses
Serbia Considers Reintroducing a Mandatory Military Draft as Regional Tensions Simmer
In Blow to Sanchez, Spain's Parliament Rejects Amnesty Bill for Catalan Separatists
Former Pakistani PM Imran Khan Gets 10 Years in Prison Ahead of Elections
What Is the Cypher Case That Led to Jail Term for Pakistan's Imran Khan?

At Least 15 Killed After Rebel Attacks in Pakistan's Balochistan

Can Pakistan's Politicians Break the Military's Stranglehold?

Philippines OKs $35 Billion
'Re-Horizon 3' Military Modernization Plan
Philippine Air Base Gets US-Funded Upgrade Under China Deterrence Plan
North Korea Fires Cruise Missiles for Third Time This Month, South Korea Says
US Fighter Jet Crashes Into Waters Off South Korea, Pilot Rescued
South China Sea: Why Taiwan's Bigger Pier on Disputed Taiping Islet May Have Put President Tsai in a Spot
Vietnam, Philippines Sign Deals on Security in Disputed South China Sea
Hong Kong Begins Work on Its Own National Security Law
Photos: No Rest for Gaza's Dead With Rushed Burials, Bodies Desecrated
Israel, UNRWA, and the West:
A History of Claims and Cuts
'Defies Logic': The Makings of Joe Biden's 'Blank Check' to Israel
Mustaribeen: The Israeli Undercover Agents With a History of Dressing Like Palestinians
Gaza Officials Say Israel Returns Dozens of Exhumed Bodies
Israel's Far Right Plots a 'New Gaza' Without Palestinians

Biden's UN Ambassador Calls for 'Fundamental Changes' to Resume UNRWA Funding

Few 'Rotten Apples' Shouldn't Prevent New Zealand Aid to Thousands of Innocent People in Gaza, Says Foreign Affairs Minister
The War the World Can't See: Journalists Dying in Gaza
Charity Says Egypt Intelligence-Linked Firm Charging $5,000 to Get Aid Over Border
Turkish Parliament Strips Imprisoned Opposition Lawmaker of Seat
Turkey Starts to Reduce Dual-Use Exports to Russia After US Officials Visit
Middle East
Iraq Weekly Roundup: Nine Killed
Hezbollah Launches 13 Attacks Against Israeli Forces
Surging Red Sea Violence Could Imperil a Fragile Yemen
India's Navy Rescues Two Boats Hijacked by Somali Pirates. British Military Warns of Two Pirate Groups in Indian Ocean

ICC Accuses Sudan and Rebels of Darfur War Crimes

Millions Urgently Need Food in Ethiopia's Tigray Region Despite the Resumption of Aid Deliveries
The War at Home
Why Defense Contractors Are Saying No to Their Biggest Customer: The Pentagon
Nearly 180 Percent Spike in Anti-Muslim and Anti-Palestinian Incidents in US
2023 Sees New Record for US Arms Exports, Boosted by Ukraine Aid
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Haitian Judge Seeks to Interview Widow of Slain President in Leaked Arrest Warrant Obtained
Haiti Cracks Down on Heavily Armed Environmental Agents After Clashes With Police
Latin America
Undetermined Number of Hacked-Up Bodies Found in Vehicles on Mexico's Gulf Coast
Ex-Peruvian Intelligence Chief Pleads Guilty to Charges in 1992 Massacre of Six Farmers
Read more

Ramzy Baroud
Europe Exposed: Is the EU a Direct Partner in the Israeli Genocide in Gaza?

Scott Horton
USA Keeps Fighting for Iran

Ted Snider
Responding Is Not a Foreign Policy

Sheldon Richman
Without the State, Who’d Drag Us Into Other People’s Wars?

Ted Galen Carpenter
Washington’s Continuing Contempt for Its Iraqi ‘Ally’

David Stockman
To Hell With Fighting the Houthis!

Daniel Larison
How Did Blinken Avoid the ‘Atrocity Famine’ in Gaza?

Ron Paul
In 2024 Congress Should Commit to Cutting the War Budget

Doug Bandow
How Will America’s Borrow and Spend Politicians Pay for an Imperial Foreign Policy?

Ray McGovern
Dan Ellsberg’s Parting Plea: Don’t Wait

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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