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Updated April 3, 2024 - 9:27 PM EDT
AI Machine Directs Israel's Bombing Spree in Gaza
Israel Bombed Foreign Aid Workers Three Times
  Israeli Siege Causes Sharp Rise in Newborn Baby Deaths in Gaza
  Doctors Say Children Have Been Targeted by Israeli Snipers in Gaza
Iran: Israel Will Be Punished for Bombing Consulate
  As Attacks Escalate, Israel DM Prepares Public for Lebanon War
  US Told Iran It Had No Involvement in Bombing Syria Consulate
NATO Chief Floats $100 Billion Fund for Ukraine
  Zelensky Signs Law Lowering Conscription Age to 25
McConnell Says He'll Fight the 'Isolationist Movement'
Xi, Biden Hold First Phone Call Since 2022
item Latest US Transfer of 2,000-Pound Bombs to Israel Is Not Newsworthy to the NY Times  by Norman Solomon
item US Officials Believe That 'We' Are at War With Russia  by Doug Bandow
item America's Disregard for
Law and Life
 by Ted Snider
item Israel Was Humiliated on October 7  by Sheldon Richman

More Viewpoints

Unexploded Ordnance Still Claiming Afghan Lives
Israel Vows To 'Act Anywhere' Following Syria, Lebanon Strikes
Russian Refineries Targeted by Ukraine's Drones
The Pentagon Gets a Cyber Czar
Shoigu Says Russia Is Pushing Ukrainian Forces Westwards
Russian Troops Destroy Over 20,500 Special Military Vehicles in Ukraine Operation: Russian MoD

Russian Missile Attack in Ukraine's Dnipro Injures 18, Governor Says

Russia Appoints Admiral Moiseev as Chief of the Navy

Russia's Oil Exports by Sea Hit New 2024 Record

Russia to Deploy Mobile Anti-Aircraft Gun Units to Counter Ukrainian Drones

Russia Says Explosives Sent From Ukraine Via EU Countries Seized
Ukraine Invites Citizens To Register Wartime Damage
Germany to Support Ukraine With 180,000 Artillery Shells Via Czech Initiative
United Kingdom
UK Jewish Group Blocks Entrance to Foreign Office to Demand End to Israeli Arms Sales
Labour Official Criticized for Appearing to Condone UK Arms Sales to Israel
Labour Cuts Ties With Major UK Muslim Organization
Cyprus Concerned Over Spike in Arrivals of Syrian Refugees From Lebanon
EU Reacts to Israeli Attack on Iran's Consulate in Syria
Germany Could Spend Up to 9 Billion Euros More on Defense From 2028, Minister Says
Luxembourg Breaks Ground on Two NATO Administrative Buildings
US Airmen Warned Not To Use Water Amid Legionella Outbreak at Lajes Field in Portugal
Albania Reopens Kucova Airbase for NATO Operations
Poland Asks Israel for Explanation After Aid Worker Killed in Gaza
Spain's PM Urges Israel To Clarify Circumstances of Airstrike on Aid Workers
Tourist Numbers Up in Post-War Afghanistan
Russia Says It Is Working on Removing Taliban From Its Terrorist List
India Rejects China's Renaming of 30 Places in Himalayan Border State
Indonesia Buys Two Submarines From French State-Owned Naval Group
Japan Lifts Pause in Funding for UNRWA, Following Canada, Australia

North Korea Says It Test-Fired New Solid-Fuel Hypersonic Missile

Pakistan Strongly Condemns Israeli Attack on Iranian Embassy in Syria
The War at Home
BAE Signs $754-Million Armored Vehicle Contract With US Army
Lockheed To Produce More JAGM, Hellfire Missiles Under $483-Million Deal
NASA Collects 'Space Debris' That Crashed Into Florida Man's Home
Marine Still Missing as Coast Guard Ends Search Off Puerto Rico
Gaza Infrastructure Damages Estimated at $18.5 Billion in
UN-World Bank Report
UAE Pauses Aid to Gaza by Sea After Israeli Strike Kills Aid Workers
Australia Outraged by Death of Aid Worker in Israeli Air Strike
With Famine Looming, Aid Group Halts Food Delivery in Gaza After Israeli Strike Kills Seven Workers
Gaza Sea Corridor Aid Returns to Cyprus After Israel Kills NGO Workers
What Is World Central Kitchen, Whose Team Was Attacked by Israel in Gaza?
Gaza Dentist Sets Up Tent To Replace Destroyed Clinic
Israeli Army Sources: Gaza Aid Workers Killed Because 'IDF Officers on the Ground Do What They Want'
Forced From Their Gaza Home by Israeli Troops, a Family Makes a Frightening Walk Through a War Zone
Spain To Recognize Palestinian Statehood by July, Leader Says
Palestinians Want April Vote for Full United Nations Membership
Israeli Attack on Diplomatic Mission Contrary to Int'l. Law
Blinken Urges Palestinian Reforms in Call With Abbas
Kremlin Says Israeli Attack on Iranian Consulate Is 'Act of Aggression'
IDF Pilot Presses Wrong Button, Accidentally Fires at Israeli Soldiers
Hamas Holds to Key Demands as Israel Prepares New Ceasefire Proposal
Al Jazeera Accuses Netanyahu of 'Frantic Campaign' After Parliament Bill
Israelis Turn on Peace Activists
Netanyahu Branded 'Traitor' in Fourth Night of Israel Protests
Iran Media Say Death Toll Rises to 13 in Syria Consulate Strike
Who Was Mohammad Reza Zahedi, an Iranian General Killed by Israel in Syria?
UN Chief Condemns Attack on Iran in Syria
Turkish Drone Kills PKK Commander in Iraq
Iraq Monthly Roundup: 58 Killed
Turkish Electoral Body Bars Kurdish Winner, Appoints AKP Candidate Mayor of Van
Pro-Kurdish Party Challenges Election Outcomes in Eastern Turkey
Turkey Condemns Israeli Strike on Iran in Syria, Warns of Regional Conflict
Middle East
Hostile Air Raid Targets South Lebanon's Yarin
Situation in Syria Worsened Since Israeli Strike on Damascus, Says SOHR Director
Egypt's President Sisi Sworn in for Third Term After Decade of Repression and Economic Malaise
At Least 12 Killed, 15 Children Missing in South Sudan Attack
Drone Strike Targets Islamist Group in Atbara, Sudan
Read more

Sheldon Richman
Israel Was Humiliated on October 7

Ted Snider
America’s Disregard for Law and Life

Ramzy Baroud
Complicit in Genocide: Where Israel Gets Its Weapons From

Ted Galen Carpenter
How Washington Killed the Nuclear Arms Control System

Daniel Larison
On Air, Biden Walks Back His Own Rafah ‘Red Line’ in Real Time

David Stockman
Washington DC: War Capital of the World

Ron Paul
After Two Years, Neocons Desperate for More War in Ukraine

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Ray McGovern
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine?

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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