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Updated April 15, 2024 - 9:39 PM EDT
Israel: We Have No Choice But To Respond to Iran
  Biden Tells Netanyahu US Won't Support Attack on Iran
  Israel's Defense Against Iran Attack Cost Over $1 Billion
  Johnson Says House Will Vote on More Israel Aid This Week
  Iran Seizes Israel-Linked Ship in Persian Gulf
No Improvement in Aid Access in Northern Gaza
  Video: Armenian Christians Under Siege by Israel
Russia's Military Is Bigger Than Before Invasion
  Ukraine General: Battlefield Situation Has 'Significantly Worsened'
  Ukraine Tightens Rules on Military Service, Angering Soldiers
Israel Destroys Hezbollah Building in Eastern Lebanon
House Votes To Extend Warrantless Spying Powers
item Bi-Partisan Lawmakers Rush to Battle Stations After Iran Attack  by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
item Do Fiscal Hawkery and Supplemental Military Packages Mix?  by Marc D. Joffe
item Seeking Mideast 'Quiet', Biden Fuels Regional Carnage
 by Aaron Maté
item Is France Ready to Fight Russia?  by Ted Snider

More Viewpoints

One Palestinian Killed, Dozens Wounded in Settler Attack on West Bank Village

US Helps the Pro-Ukraine Media Run a Fog Machine of War
Voters Think Biden Should Be Tougher on Israel, New Poll Finds
Ukraine Says Russian Drones Damaged Energy Infrastructure in South
Ukraine Attack on in Zaporizhzhia Region Kills 16, Official Says
Ukraine's Army Chief Says Eastern Front Under Intense Russian Assault
Two Killed by Ukrainian Strikes in Kherson Region
Fragments From Downed Missile Injure 12 in Central Ukraine, Governor Says
Germany To Send 20 More Marder Infantry Vehicles to Ukraine
Russia Summons French Ambassador Over Foreign Minister's 'Unacceptable' Comments
Russian Military Trainers Arrive in Niger as Relations Deteriorate With the US
France, Germany Ask Their Citizens To Leave Iran Amid Growing Risk of Military Escalation in Mideast
IDF: France Helped in Defense of Israel Against Iranian Missile, Drone Attack
French, German Arms Sales to Israel Hit by Legal Action
German Police Shut Down
Pro-Palestinian Conference
Germany: A Small Cadre of Politicians Speaks Out Against Israel
British-Palestinian Surgeon Accuses Germany of 'Genocide Complicity' After Being Refused Entry To Attend Conference
Cyprus Suspends Asylum Applications for Syrians as Arrivals Rise
Surge in British Public Support for Ending Israel Arms Sales: Poll
Pakistan: Police Link Deadly Attacks on Chinese Workers to Taliban Affiliate's 'Broken Switch' Terror Cell
Gunmen Kill at Least 11 in Two Attacks in Pakistan's Balochistan
Xi Jinping Says Mainland To Expand Travel Across Taiwan Strait
US-China Competition To Field Military Drone Swarms Could Fuel Global Arms Race
Asia Pacific
Australian Government Is Obscuring Weapons Exports to Israel Despite International Court's Ruling To Oppose 'Plausible Genocide'
Exodus From Key Town on Myanmar-Thai Border as It Falls to Anti-Junta Resistance
Indonesia Denies Using Air Strikes in Papua Region, Where Kidnapped New Zealand Pilot Is
Russia Sends Military Trainers, Air Defense System to Niger: State Media
Hundreds Protest in Niger Demanding Departure of US Troops

Suspected Islamist Rebels Kill at Least 10 in DR Congo

Three Killed in Ethiopia Shootout as Regional Rebellions Spill Into the Capital
The War at Home
Apple Says It Will Fix 'Bug' Recommending Palestinian Flag Emoji
Former US Diplomat Who Spied for Cuba Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison
Soldier Found Dead in Fort Meade Barracks
Israeli Military Calling Up Reservists for More Gaza Operations
Journalist Loses Foot After Being Badly Wounded in Israeli Attack in Gaza
Al-Shifa Hospital Witnesses Reveal Bloodshed of Israeli Raid
Gazans Flood Road North After 'Open Checkpoint' Rumors
Israeli Army Opens Fire at Hundreds of Displaced Palestinians Returning to Northern Gaza
Aid Ship En Route to Gaza From Turkey, With Vital Supplies Amid Israeli Attacks
Strikes Upend Israel's Belief About Iran's Willingness To Fight It Directly
Tel Aviv Confirms Key Airbase Damaged by Iranian Strikes
Israeli Prison System Claims Another Life
Hamas Rejects Israel's Ceasefire Response, Sticks to Main Demands
Anger Among Israeli Bedouins After Girl Wounded in Iranian Attack
Two Palestinians Killed by Israeli Forces, West Bank Raids
Al-Mayadeen Journalists Come Under Israeli Fire in South Lebanon
Ireland, Spain, Norway Moving Closer to Recognising a Palestinian State
Hamas Backs Iran After Retaliatory Missile, Drone Attacks on Israel
'True Promise': Why and How Did Iran Launch a Historic Attack on Israel?
Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq Reopen Airspace Closed Over Iran's Attacks on Israel
Iran Says It Informed Neighbors About Attack on Israel 72 Hours in Advance
Lufthansa Group Suspends Mideast Flights
After Iran Attack, Kirby Calls for Floor Vote on Israel-Ukraine Aid
Donald Trump: Iran Attacks Wouldn't Have Happened if I Were President
Gulf States Warn US Not To Launch Strikes on Iran From Their Territory or Airspace
Iran Warns of Bigger Attack if Israel Retaliates After Overnight Strikes
Statement From G7 Leaders After Iran's Attack on Israel
France, India, Russia, UK Issue Travel Warnings Over Israel-Iran Tensions
Turkish Military 'Neutralizes' Four PKK Terrorists in Northern Iraq
Reports Implicate Turkish Intelligence Over Child Recruitment in Syria
Car Bomb Explodes in Syria's Damascus
Syria Says Iran Exercised 'Right to Self-Defense' in Attack on Israel
World Paid Little Attention to Sudan's War for a Year. Now Aid Groups Warn of Mass Death From Hunger
Sudanese Refugees in Chad Unable to Access Medical Care for War Injuries
Sudan's Uprooted Millions Pay Price for Year-Long War
US To Announce Additional $100 Million in Aid for Sudan
US Judge Tosses Out Lawsuits Against Libyan Commander Accused of War Crimes
Media: Libyan Armed Groups Clash in Capital Tripoli
Read more

Daniel Larison
Biden Should Not Follow Netanyahu Into War With Iran

Ramzy Baroud
Killing Humanitarian Workers as a Strategy: Israel’s Endgame in Gaza

Ted Snider
How Big a Factor Is Iran in the War on Gaza?

Ted Galen Carpenter
Ending the Second Cold War

Ron Paul
Mitch McConnell Cannot Stop the Non-Interventionist Tide

Sheldon Richman
Israel Was Humiliated on October 7

David Stockman
Washington DC: War Capital of the World

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Ray McGovern
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine?

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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