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Updated April 18, 2024 - 9:07 PM EDT
US Vetoes Palestinian Bid for Full UN Membership
Johnson Unveils $95 Billion Foreign Military Bills
  Congress Condemns Pro-Palestine Slogan as 'Antisemitic'
UK Says Israel Likely To Respond to Iran
  18 Israeli Soldiers Wounded in Hezbollah Attack on Army Base
  After Surviving Airstrike Palestinian Boy Killed By Aid Drop
  UN Report: Palestinians Face Severe Abuses in Israeli Detention
  26 Dems Concerned Over Claim That Israel Is Legally Using US Arms
US Endangering Troops by Refusing To Leave Niger
US Funding Torture Camps in Eastern Syria
No Sign of US Withdrawal From Iraq
New Hampshire GOP Adds 'Defend the Guard' to Platform
item The West Now Wants 'Restraint' – After Months of Fueling a Genocide in Gaza  by Jonathan Cook
item America Fueled the Fire in the Middle East  by Stephen M. Walt
item This Past Weekend, Iran Changed Everything  by Ted Snider
item Trilateral Militarization: From Missiles to Nukes  by Dan Steinbock

More Viewpoints

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Ukraine Says 17 Killed in Russian Missile Attack on Chernihiv
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Germany Buries the Evidence of Complicity in Genocide: Nicaragua Exposes It
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Italy Halts Plans To Buy Israeli Underwater Drones
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The Taliban Suspend Two TV Stations in Afghanistan for Neglecting Islamic and National Values
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Asia Pacific
New Zealand, Japan and the Philippines Are Moving Towards Greater Integration With the US Military
Missiles, Drones and Warships the Priority as Australia Plans $32 Billion Defense Boost
Chinese Diplomats Are Quietly Meeting With Hill Staffers About TikTok
The US Ambassador to Japan Says Boosting Arms Industry Ties Is Key to a Stronger Security Alliance
Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi Moved to House Arrest Amid Heatwave
US Seeks New Mechanism To Monitor North Korean Sanctions
Philippines, US Forces To Train Retaking Island in Joint Drills
Gunmen Kill Three in Benin Border Attack
The UN Rights Chief Says DR Congo's Escalating Violence Is Being Forgotten by the World
UK Boosts Support for Somali Security Forces With $3.5 Million Contribution
Zimbabweans Forced To Use US Dollar in Absence of New Currency
UN: More Than 10,000 Women Killed in Gaza
US Navy Transport With Equipment, Personnel for Gaza Pier Back Home After Engine Fire
Lavender, Israel's Artificial Intelligence System That Decides Who to Bomb in Gaza
One Child Killed or Injured Every Ten Minutes in Gaza: UNICEF
Israel Blocks UN Team From Probing War Crimes Committed in Gaza
33,899 Palestinians Killed in Israel's Gaza Offensive Since Oct. 7, Health Ministry Says
UNRWA Chief Warns Man-Made Famine Tightening Grip Across Gaza
'Googler Against Genocide': Tech Giant Orders Arrest of Workers Protesting Contract With Israel
Spain Leads European Push To Recognize Palestine, Risking Israel's Wrath
The Thousands of Palestinians Israel Arrests, Tortures, Holds Even in Death
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Erdogan Likens Hamas to Turkish Independence Fighters
UN Appeals for $2.8 Billion To Help Three Million Palestinians in Desperate Need of Food and Other Aid
Security Council To Vote Thursday on Palestinian State UN Membership
13 British Lords Linked to Israel's Arms Trade
Palestinian President Rejected US Requests To Hold Off on UN Membership Vote
Poll: 74% of Israelis Oppose Counterstrike on Iran if It Harms Security Alliances
Iran's Raisi Reiterates Warnings as Israel Mulls Response to Air Attack
Photos: Iran Shows Military Might as Tensions With Israel Soar
How Well Could Iran Defend Itself Against a Potential Israeli Attack?
Bankers Upgrade Lockheed Stock After Iran Strikes at Israel
Sudan Faces Increased Hunger as Cereal Production Plummets
Heavy Clashes Erupt in North Darfur, Civilians Caught in Crossfire
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The War at Home
Abu Ghraib Military Contractor Warned Bosses of Abuses Two Weeks After Arriving, Testimony Reveals
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Ted Snider
This Past Weekend, Iran Changed Everything

Ron Paul
FISA Exchanges Real Liberty for Phantom Security

Daniel Larison
Biden Should Not Follow Netanyahu Into War With Iran

Ramzy Baroud
Killing Humanitarian Workers as a Strategy: Israel’s Endgame in Gaza

Ted Galen Carpenter
Ending the Second Cold War

Sheldon Richman
Israel Was Humiliated on October 7

David Stockman
Washington DC: War Capital of the World

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Ray McGovern
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine?

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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