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Updated May 9, 2024 - 9:14 PM EDT
Israel Tightens Starvation Blockade on Gaza
  Biden Says He Will Stop Sending Israel Bombs if It Escalates in Rafah
  600,000 Kids in Rafah Can't 'Evacuate' Safely, UNICEF Official Says
Most Dems Say Israel Is Committing Genocide
  Senate Bill Seeks to Place Campus Protesters on No-Fly List
  Rep. Ogles Introduces Bill To Send College Protesters To Gaza
  Netanyahu Implored Qataris To Continue Funding Hamas in 2018 Letter
  Israel Abandoning Captives To Hunt Hamas Leaders, Say Officers
Kataib Hezbollah Calls for US To Leave Iraq
  Israeli Strikes Kill at Least Five People Across South Lebanon
Ukraine Bill Allows Prisoners To Join Military
  Russia Pummels Ukraine Energy Infrastructure, Kiev Seeks Air Defenses
Democrats Protect Speaker Johnson From Ouster
item Israel Is Banning Al Jazeera, America Is Banning TikTok. We Know Why.  by Seth Stern
item Japan Sells Lethal Weapons Responding to US Demand, Using Ukraine as Excuse  by Reiho Takeuchi
item US Is Losing in Ukraine. Blame China, Says Blinken.  by John V. Walsh
item We've Always Known Standing Armies Are a Threat to Liberty  by Joseph Solis-Mullen

More Viewpoints

UK Military Has Flown 200 Spy Missions Over Gaza in Support of Israel
At Least 49 Bodies Found in New Mass Grave at Al-Shifa Hospital
Israel Carries Out Largest Demolition of Homes in Years, on Bedouin in Negev
Rheinmetall To Deliver Unnamed 100 Km Artillery Round to Ukraine
Hungary Will Stay Out of NATO's 'Crazy Mission' To Aid Ukraine, Foreign Minister Says
Ukraine's Investigative Journalists Are Facing Intimidation
Italy To Send Additional Air Defense System to Ukraine
Croatian Ruling Party Agrees To Form Govt With Far-Right Party
Another German Politician Is Attacked as Concerns Rise Over Violence Ahead of June EU Vote
Haftar Holds Discussions With Italian Prime Minister in Benghazi
North Macedonia Elects First Woman President as Center-Left Incumbents Suffer Historic Losses
Students in Nordic Countries, Netherlands Join Global Uprising Against Israeli War in Gaza
Northern Ireland Police Obtained Reporters' Phone Data, Tribunal Hears
Spanish Minister's Letters to Firms in Israel Drive Wedge in Ruling Coalition
With Every University in Gaza Destroyed, Oxford Students Say Their Protest Is Justified
Blast in North Afghanistan Kills Three Taliban Security Personnel
Taliban Push Back Against Pakistani Accusations of Involvement in Recent Attacks
Blast Kills Three Police, Injures Five in Faizabad, Afghanistan
China-Serbia Free Trade Deal To Take Effect in July
US Bill Would Require US To Coordinate Japan AUKUS Role With UK and Australia
Pakistani Security Forces Kill Six Militants in Twin Raids in Volatile Northwest Near Afghanistan

Singapore Suspends F-16 Training After Plane Crash on Wednesday

Tamils Faced Torture in Sri Lanka Long After War: Rights Group
The War at Home
Special Forces Pause Training on Firing Ranges After Soldier Shot
US Dept. of Energy To Buy Crude for Strategic Petroleum Reserve
$392 Million Price Tag Stalls Bill To Expand Veterans Benefits Connected to Military Sexual Trauma
When Buying a Home Is Treated as a National Security Threat
Amnesty Says Somali Strikes With Turkish Drones Killed Civilians
Seven Villagers Die in DR Congo Attack Blamed on Rebels
Niger Gets New Russian Advisors, Equipment After Asking US Troops To Leave
Armed Groups Committing Atrocities in Mali: HRW
Israeli Settlers Attack Gaza Humanitarian Convoy, Destroy Food Aid
Rafah Invasion: Everything That's Happened So Far
'Not Possible': Palestinians Too 'Starved' to Leave Rafah
Barclays 'Increased Financing' of Israel-Linked Arms Firms
Worse Than Dresden 1945: Israel's Gaza Rampage Leaves 75% of Buildings Damaged or Destroyed
Israel Bombs UAE Field Hospital in Gaza Injuring Emirati Guard
Russia Says Gaza War Is Escalating and No Sign of Any Peace Settlement
Palestinians Scramble for Safety Ahead of Expected Rafah Operation
Only Three Days of Fuel for Health Services in South of Gaza, Says WHO
Main Maternity Hospital in Rafah Stops Admitting Patients
Palestinians Thought a Cease-Fire Had Been Clinched. Then the Tanks Rolled In.
Pro-Palestine Protests
'Extremist' Rabbi Tries To Run-Over Pro-Palestine Protesters in NYC
How Much Money Did the NYPD Waste Quashing Student Protests?
US Police Break Up Gaza Protest Encampment at George Washington University
'We Are Doing This in Solidarity With the People of Gaza': A Princeton Student Explains Why He's Currently Part of a Hunger Strike
Support From Lecturers and No Arrests as Spanish Students Protest for Gaza
Photos: Student Protests Against Israel's War on Gaza Spread Across Europe
Swedish Singer Wears Keffiyeh During Eurovision Performance, Prompting Backlash
In Iran, Iraqi Kurdistan President Barzani Welcomed by Khamenei, IRGC
Iran Looking To Preserve Regional Status Quo Despite Israel's Assault on Rafah
Iraq Launches Major Buyback Initiative From Citizens
Arab Settlers Renew Efforts to Seize Kurdish Land in Iraq
Middle East
Jordan Says Israel Settlers Attack Aid Convoy on Its Way to Erez Crossing
Lebanon: Costs of Damages Israel Caused at Over $1.5 Billion
Sudan Ramps Up Efforts To Combat Abuse Against Displaced Women
No Negotiation or Peace in Sudan Before Defeating RSF: Al-Burhan
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Sheldon Richman
Another Bogus Antisemitism Scare

Ron Paul
The Great Ukraine Robbery Is Not Over Yet

Ted Snider
The US Cannot Help Ukraine Win the War

Ted Galen Carpenter
Antiwar.com’s Determined Struggle Against the War Machine

Ramzy Baroud
American Intifada for Gaza: What Should We Expect?

Dave DeCamp
The News Never Stops

David Stockman
The UniParty’s Day of Infamy

Daniel Larison
Biden Should Not Follow Netanyahu Into War With Iran

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Ray McGovern
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine?

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs. Antiwar.com

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