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Updated May 19, 2024 - 9:01 PM EDT
Ukraine Asks NATO To Send Troops for Training
  Zelensky Blames 'The World' for Russia's Kharkiv Offensive
  Germany Deports Seven Ukrainian Soldiers for Wearing Nazi Symbols
Gallant: Israeli Operations in Rafah Will 'Intensify'
  US Doctors Stranded in Gaza Ask for US to End Support for Genocide
  South Africa Asks ICJ To Order Israel To Halt Rafah Offensive
  Satellite Images Show Widening Destruction in Rafah Amid Invasion
  Egypt Deploys Military Convoys to Gaza Border as Tensions Flare
House OKs Bill To Force Bomb Shipment to Israel
  Human Rights Researchers Conclude Israel Committing Genocide
  Ilan Pappe Interrogated by US Intel Upon Arrival at Detroit Airport
Iran Helicopter Accident: President, FM on Missing Aircraft
Israeli Strikes in Lebanon Kill Three, Including Two Children
  Israeli Strike Kills Two Near Lebanon Funeral Procession
Xi Agrees To Deepen China-Russia Military Ties
item FBI Documents Allege Japan Used Germ Warfare in Attack on US and Canada  by Jeffrey S. Kaye
item The Continuing Farce of the US Tariff War  by Joseph Solis-Mullen
item The Dignity Deficit of Rocking Out in Kiev  by James Carden
item Why Gaza Journalists Are the Best in the World  by Ramzy Baroud

More Viewpoints

Israeli Soldier Opened Fire and Killed Jewish Palestinian Convert
Gaza Displacement Shows Israel's 'Appalling Record': Amnesty International
US Military Says Destroyed Four 'Uncrewed Aerial Systems' in Yemen
Shocking Photo Shows Medics, Journalists Rounded Up by Israel at Al-Shifa
US Soldier Held in Russia Pleads Guilty, RIA Agency Reports
Russia Expels UK Defense Attache in Retaliatory Move
Kremlin Says Switzerland Conference on Ukraine Is Futile
IMF To Launch New Ukraine Mission to Review Loan, Latest Economic Developments
Assassination Attempt on Slovak PM Fico Was Planned in Advance: Defense Minister
Suspect in Attack on Slovak PM Showed No Signs of Extremism, Neighbors Say
No 'Big Appetite' in Finland for 'Boots on the Ground' in Ukraine: Official
German Police Raid Properties as Pro-Palestinian Group Banned
Chef Rubio 'Attacked by Pro-Israel Mob' in Italy After Gaza Activism
Lithuania Receives New Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles From US
Spain Denies Port Call for Ship Carrying Arms to Israel
UK Reveals Development of Low Cost Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapon
Pakistan Test-Fires New Homegrown Guided Rocket for Deep Targets
Jailed Ex-PM Khan Appears Before Pakistan Top Court by Videolink
Clashes Increase Between Taliban, Pakistani Forces in
Asia Pacific
US, Japan Sign Deal to Develop Hypersonic Interceptor
Sri Lanka To Send Delegation to Russia To Help Repatriate Men Duped Into Ukraine Fighting
Vietnam Removes Third Top Leader in Two Months, Reshuffles Cadres
Australia's Victoria Parliament Bans MPs From Wearing Palestinian Keffiyehs
Donald Trump Is Supportive of AUKUS Defense Pact, Former Australian PM Says
New Caledonia
Violence Rages in New Caledonia as France Rushes Emergency Reinforcements to Its Pacific Territory

Why Are Protests Against France Raging in New Caledonia?

Why Is France Accusing Azerbaijan of New Caledonia Meddling?
The War at Home
US Expands Production of 15-Ton Bombs To Target Nuclear Facilities
US Proposes Reclassifying Marijuana as Low-Risk Drug
Pentagon Says Sexual Assaults Declined for First Time in a Decade
Israeli Kills Gaza Journalist Mahmoud Juhjouh and Family
Haniyeh Says Any Gaza Deal That Excludes Hamas Unacceptable
Some Israeli Officials Fear Relations With Egypt Could Collapse Over Rafah
Does Israel's Netanyahu Have a Plan for a 'Day After' the War on Gaza?
Cardinal Pizzaballa Visits Gaza in Show of Support, Solidarity With 'Suffering Population'
'Our Supplies Will Not Last', Warns Doctor at Gaza Trauma Center
'Burn Down the United Nations': Israeli Extremists Set Fire to UNRWA HQ in East Jerusalem, Again
1948 to 2024, Three Palestinian Sisters Live Endless Nakba
Factbox: The Key People in Israel's Government
Arab League Calls for UN Peacekeepers in Occupied Palestinian Territory
Palestinian President Calls on Arab Countries for Financial Support
Canada Sanctions Israeli Settlers as Attacks on Palestinians Skyrocket

Israel Aerospace Sees Interest in Arrow System That Repelled Iran's Missiles

Why Egypt Backed South Africa's Genocide Case Against Israel in the ICJ
Israel Calls UN a 'Terror Organization' as Tensions Escalate Over Gaza War
Three Killed in Israeli Raids in West Bank, Palestinian Officials Say
Pro-Palestine Protests
US Police Clear Pro-Palestinian Camp From California University
Injured Columbia University Student Contradicts NYPD's Claims Over Arrests
Business Titans Privately Urged NYC Mayor to Use Police on Columbia Protesters, Chats Show
Red Crescent Volunteer Killed Collecting Aid Data in Sudan
Residents Cower as Fighting Picks Up in Sudan's Al-Fashir
Sudan Denies Refusal of Entry Visa to US Envoy
Chad Junta Leader Deby Declared Winner of May 6 Presidential Election
Photos: 'Living in Fear' Amid Relentless Battle for Eastern DR Congo
Ethiopia Protests US Ambassador's Speech After He Calls for Release of Political Prisoners
Read more

Ramzy Baroud
Beyond Awards and Accolades: Why Gaza Journalists are the Best in the World

Ted Snider
The Recent Risk of Escalation in Ukraine

David Stockman
Washington DC: The Unaffordable and Unecessary War Capital of the World

Ted Galen Carpenter
NATO’s New Burden-Sharing Objectives

Sheldon Richman
What Is Self-Determination?

Ron Paul
The Great Ukraine Robbery Is Not Over Yet

Dave DeCamp
The News Never Stops

Daniel Larison
Biden Should Not Follow Netanyahu Into War With Iran

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Ray McGovern
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine?

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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