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Updated May 23, 2024 - 8:28 PM EDT
Johnson Wants Ukraine To Hit Russia With US Arms
  Estonia Downplays Risk of Sending Troops to Ukraine
  Russia Begins Nuclear Weapons Drills Near Ukrainian Border
US Thinks Israel Killed 30-35% of Hamas Fighters
  More Than Half of Gaza's Christians Have Fled the Israeli Onslaught
  Cementing Military Footprint, Israel Transforming Gaza's Geography
Blinken Says He Wants To Punish the ICC
  Ireland, Norway, Spain To Recognize Palestine State, Infuriating Israel
  Israel's Latest Offensives Unleash 'Hell' in Gaza, Aid Groups Say
Ben Gvir Says Al-Aqsa 'Belongs Only to Israel'
  Israeli Soldiers and Police Tipping Off Groups That Attack Gaza Aid
Chinese Forces Begin Military Exercises Around Taiwan
item Jewish Students Opposing Gaza Genocide, a Powerful Counter to Antisemitism  by John V. Walsh
item Disgrace of Israel's Aid-Blocking, Right-Wing Militia  Haaretz
item Dr. King's Words on Vietnam Still Ring True for Gaza  by Andrew Moss
item Defense Spending Can and Should Be Cut  by Justin Logan

More Viewpoints

Blinken Faces Outcry Over Israel's War on Gaza During Senate Testimonies
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Poland Says It Backs Two-State Solution for Israel and Palestinians
UN Security Council Rejects Russia's Space Weapons Resolution
Russia Returns Six Children to Ukraine in Qatar-Brokered Deal
Russia's Use of Starlink Will Be a 'Continuous Problem' in Ukraine: DOD
Russian Attack in Ukraine's Sumy Cut Power to More Than 500,000, Energy Ministry Says
Kremlin Says EU Plan To Take Revenue From Frozen Russian Assets Is Still Theft
Kremlin Says the West Needs to Engage in Talks to Defuse Rising Nuclear Tensions
Ukraine War Exposes Flaws in America's Sophisticated Weapons: Analysts
Sweden Plans $7 Billion More Military Support for Ukraine to 2026
Ukraine To Receive Australian Marine Boats To Bolster River Fleet
Ukraine Equips Naval Drones With Rocket Launchers, Kyiv Source Says
United Kingdom
Five UK Ministers Included in Gaza War Crimes Complaint Submitted to British Police
British MPs Grill Ministers Over Arms Exports to Israel
German Defense Minister Not Ready to Compromise on 2025 Budget Demand
Germany Ready to Use Revenues From Frozen Russian Assets, Ministry Sources Say
The War Is Shifting Europe's Politics Away From Israel
Inside the European Attempt to Reassure Biden Before Palestinian Statehood Decision
Poland Buys US Radar Systems To Monitor Its North-Eastern Borders
Third Doha Meeting on Afghanistan to Start End of June
GOP Chair Weighs Psaki Subpoena in Afghanistan Probe
Pakistan Says No Decision Made to Reopen Kharlachi Crossing
Where Is Ahmad Farhad? the Mysterious Case of Pakistan's Missing Poet, Journalist
Missing Bangladesh Governing Party's MP Found Murdered in India: Minister
North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Following US Air Force Drills
New Caledonia

How Is the Violent Unrest in New Caledonia Impacting Global Nickel Prices?

In Riot-Hit New Caledonia, French President Macron Says Priority Is Return to Calm Amid Unrest
Latin America
Colombia's Petro Orders the Opening of Embassy in Palestinian Territory
Ecuador Investigates Eight Reported Extrajudicial Killings During State of Emergency
Gazans Surviving on 3% of Minimum Daily Water Needs: NGOs
The Four Other Armed Palestinian Groups Fighting Israel in Gaza
Footage Shows Israeli Forces Seizing Dead Bodies From Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital
'Prolonged War': Israeli Army Chief Vows to Continue Gaza Onslaught
IDF Says Three Soldiers Killed Fighting Hamas in Northern Gaza Strip
France Says Conditions Not Right To Recognize Palestinian State
US Has Ongoing Conversation With Israel Over Weapons Use, Blinken Says
Are You Chatting With a Pro-Israeli AI-Powered Superbot?
Mapping Which Countries Recognize Palestine in 2024
Israel's Smotrich Calls for Retaliation Against Palestinian Authority Over State Recognition
Western Officials Warn of 'Catastrophe' if Israel Cuts Off Palestinian Banks
Explosions in Jenin as Israel Raids West Bank City for Second Day
Israel Lobbies German Officials to 'Condemn' ICC Arrest Warrants
Faced With Brutal Footage of Women Hostages, Israel's Government Responds With Shameless Arrogance

EU Countries to Add 10 New Individuals and Entities to Iran Sanctions

Death of Iran's President Raisi Has Delayed Talks With IAEA, Grossi Says
Secret Iran-US Talks on Gaza War Undermined by Raisi Death
ISIS Claims Attack on Vehicle in Iraq Which Killed Soldier
Iraq Weekly Roundup: 23 Killed
Middle East
UK Deputy PM Makes Secret Trip to UAE After Rising Diplomatic Tensions
Oman to Expel Dozens of Ex-Guantanamo Detainees Back to Yemen
US Army Tests Portable 'Dronebuster' in Middle East
RSF Accused of Atrocities in Fresh Attack on El Fasher Camp
Sudanese Army Airstrike Destroys Khartoum Oil Refinery, RSF Says
Chad Prime Minister Masra Resigns After Disputed Vote Winner Confirmed
Egypt Denies CNN Claims on Gaza Ceasefire's Deal Manipulation
Hundreds of Hostages, Mostly Women and Children, Are Rescued From Boko Haram Extremists in Nigeria
The War at Home
Harvard Board Bars 13 Pro-Palestine Student Protesters From Graduating, Overruling Faculty
The Air Force Doesn't Know Why Maintenance Mishaps Spiked in 2023
House Committee Adopts Amendment to Rehire Troops Fired for Refusing Covid Vaccine
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David Stockman
The American Empire Is Crumbling Under Its Debt

Daniel Larison
Logic of a Forgotten American Atrocity Is Alive Today

Ted Snider
Did the U.S. Give the Go-Ahead to Strike Russia with Long Range Missiles?

Ron Paul
The Vietnamization of Ukraine

Ray McGovern
Russia and China – Two Against One

Ramzy Baroud
Beyond Awards and Accolades: Why Gaza Journalists are the Best in the World

Ted Galen Carpenter
NATO’s New Burden-Sharing Objectives

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What Is Self-Determination?

Dave DeCamp
The News Never Stops

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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