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Updated June 4, 2024 - 8:49 PM EDT
Netanyahu Remarks Could Sabotage Ceasefire Deal
  Netanyahu Says Biden's Ceasefire Proposal Is 'Incomplete'
  Gaza: 3,500 Palestinian Children at Risk of Starving to Death
  NY Hospital Fires Nurse for Empathizing With Gaza Mothers
Iran Confirms Oman-Brokered Talks With US
  Israeli Drone Strikes Kill Two in Southern Lebanon
Biden To Skip Ukraine Summit Despite Zelensky's Plea
  Russia Warns US Close To Making 'Fatal' Miscalculation Over Ukraine
  Commanders: Basic Training in Ukraine Is Barely Covering the Basics
South Korea Ends Military Agreement With North
China Warns Neighbors of US 'Geopolitical Self-Interest'
item Our Fight to Get the Democratic Party To Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza  by Mirvette Judeh
item The Untold ICC Story: How Global South Helped Palestine Challenge Western Institutions  by Ramzy Baroud
item The New Theory of Ukrainian Victory Is the Same as the Old  by Mark Episkopos
item The Elusive Chinese Boogeyman in Latin America  by Juan Gabriel Tokatlian

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United Kingdom
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Switzerland's Upper House Rejects Five Billion Swiss Franc Aid Plan for Ukraine
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Gunmen Kill a Police Officer Assigned to Protect Polio Workers in Pakistan's Northwest
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Taiwan's Military To Stage Live-Fire Drills Aimed at PLA Attack From the Sea
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China Accuses MI6 of Coercing Married Couple To Spy for Britain
DR Congo

US Denied Access to Americans Detained in DR Congo Coup Plot

DR Congo Rebels Kill South African Soldier, Wound 13
The War at Home
San Francisco Police Detain Protesters at Israeli Consulate
Professor Suspended Over Campus Palestine Activism
Palestinian Sisters Cry Out for Missing Mother After Gaza Airstrike
Over a Million Flee Rafah as Israel Weighs Up Truce Proposal
Gaza's Dark Dawn: 28 Palestinians Killed, Jabaliya Declared Uninhabitable
Israeli Army: Four Hostages Taken Alive to Gaza Were Killed, Possibly by IDF Fire
G7 Leaders 'Fully Endorse' Biden's Gaza Peace Plan
In Gaza, Palestinians Return to a Shelter Scarred by War
Gaza Teenager's Death Highlights Infectious Disease Casualties of Genocide
Flood of Sewage Forces Displaced Gazans Out of Tents
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Israel Accused of Releasing Palestinian Detainee With Amputated Legs To Evade Treatment
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Iraq Monthly Roundup:
132 Killed in May
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Middle East
IAEA Doesn't Have Evidence Iran Develops Nuclear Weapons: Grossi
'We Reject War,' Lebanon Tells Iranian Foreign Minister
Eisenhower Carrier Group Deployment in the Red Sea Extended
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Sudan, South Sudan Discuss Resumption of Oil Transportation
Death Toll of El-Fasher Clashes Rises to 82, Hundreds Injured
El Fasher Clashes Threaten Golo Reservoir, Key Water Source in Sudan
Read more

Ramzy Baroud
The Untold ICC Story: How the Global South Helped Palestine Challenge Western Institutions

Ted Snider
America’s Ugly History with the International Criminal Court

Ted Galen Carpenter
US Must Accept Spheres of Influence To Preserve Peace

David Stockman
The American Empire Is Crumbling Under Its Debt

Daniel Larison
Logic of a Forgotten American Atrocity Is Alive Today

Ron Paul
The Vietnamization of Ukraine

Ray McGovern
Russia and China – Two Against One

Sheldon Richman
What Is Self-Determination?

Dave DeCamp
The News Never Stops

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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