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Updated June 9, 2024 - 8:29 PM EDT
US Helped Israeli Op That Killed 210 Palestinians
  Israel Dropped US Bombs on UN School in Gaza
  Gaza Pier Repairs Will Cost US Military at Least $22 Million
  Nine Out of 10 Children in Gaza Lack Food for Growth: UNICEF
Biden Celebrates Russian Troops' Deaths for D-Day
  White House Announces $225 Million Arms Package for Ukraine
  US Test Fires Two Unarmed Minuteman III Nuclear ICBMS
Trump Complains About Israel Losing Influence
  Netanyahu Address to Congress Set for July 24th
  Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans
  US Sanctions Emboldened Israeli Settlers in the West Bank
Hezbollah Drone Strike Kills Israeli Soldier, Wounds 9
US Sanctions Georgia Over Foreign Agents Law
Iran Rejects Allegations in Latest IAEA Resolution
US Bombers Drop Live Bombs in Threat to North Korea
item End of an Era: Pro-Palestine Language Exposes Israel, Zionism  by Ramzy Baroud
item Watchdog Calls for Eliminating Land-Based Nuclear Missiles  by William D. Hartung
item Nuclear Armageddon Is Us  by William J. Astore
item The West Should Be Receptive to Russia's Openness to Talks  by Ted Snider & Nicolai N. Petro

More Viewpoints

Full Text of Israel's Gaza Ceasefire Proposal That Was Announced by Biden
Israeli Military Alarmed by Standoff Over West Bank Funds, Report Says
US Seeks To Block Houthi Revenues in Threat to Yemen Truce: Report
Egypt Receives 'Positive Signals' From Hamas on Gaza Deal
Gaza's Wounded Find Refuge in Iraq, Recount Israeli War Crimes
People Are Starving to Death in Gaza Although Famine Not Yet Declared, Says Report
UN Agency Warns of Outbreak of Cholera in Gaza
US Soldier Injured in Gaza Pier Mission Transported to Army Hospital
Spain To Join South Africa's Genocide Case Against Israel at the ICJ
UK-Born Former Israeli Official Accused of Aiding Intentional Starvation
Takeaways From AP's Report on Sanctioned Settlers in the West Bank
Israel Advances Bill Banning States From Opening Embassies for Palestinians in Jerusalem
Israel Lobby Funded a Quarter of British MPs
Emirati-Palestinian Shouting Match Blew Up Blinken Meeting

Israeli Forces Kill Three Palestinians, Wound Over 10 in West Bank Raid

'Standing Together' Against Far-Right Israeli Hate in Jerusalem

US Orders Modified Hero Loitering Munitions From Israel's UVision
Israel Court Approves Temporary Ban on Al Jazeera

Israel's Treatment of Palestinian Workers Denounced at UN Meeting

Houthis Say They Launched Two Attacks Against Ships at Haifa Port
Explosion Near Vessel in Red Sea Off Yemen, Security Firm Says
Middle East
Israel Eyes War in Lebanon, but Hezbollah Poses Unique Threat
As Ties Thaw With Saudi Arabia, Thousands of Syrians Fly There for Haj
Iraq, UN Agree To Repatriate All Nationals From Al-Hol Camp in Syria by 2027
The War at Home
NAACP Asks Biden To Halt Weapons to Israel as He Seeks To Shore Up Black Voter Support
Republican Infighting Endangers Radiation Compensation Set To Lapse This Week
As New ICBMs' Cost Soars, a Few Lawmakers Are Trying to Rein It In
Latin America
Colombia Calls To Restrict Coal Sales to Israel
Russian Warships Will Arrive in Havana Next Week, Cuban Officials Say, Citing 'Friendly Relations'
Guatemala Lawyer Who Defended Rural and Indigenous People Killed in Attack
Ukraine Frustrated With US Over F-16 Pilot Training
Ukraine Strikes Oil Installations in Russian Border Regions
Russian Court Begins Trial of US Soldier Arrested on Theft Charges
Putin Says Israeli Actions in Gaza 'Some Kind of Total Destruction of Civilian Population'
United Kingdom
More People Quit British Military Than Signed Up Last Year
Majority of Young Britons Think Israel Should Not Exist
Brighton's Pro-Palestine Activists Score Win Against Arms Giant
Hungary's Orban Vows To Keep Using Russian Gas
Hungary Will Attend Ukraine Conference in Switzerland, Minister Says
Top NATO General Says Alliance Ready To Fight but Needs More Arms
Polish Soldier Dies After Being Stabbed by Migrants on Border With Belarus
Photos: World War II Veterans Honored on D-Day's 80th Anniversary
Photos: the Sights of the Berlin Air Show 2024
Putin Emphasizes Need for Inclusive Afghan Government
China Says Open to Space Cooperation With US but 'Hurdles' Remain
Myanmar's Military Government Denies Killing 76 People in Rakhine
Pakistan Government Submits Details, Photos of Ex-PM Imran Khan's Life in Jail

US, Philippine Army Launch Operations Center for Joint Pacific Exercise

US Approves Sale of F-16 Parts to Taiwan for $80 Million
'Up to 100' Killed in RSF Attack on Sudan Village: Activists
Fighting Intensifies in El Fasher as Sudanese Army Airdrops Supplies
Sudan Faces Imminent Crisis as Displaced Population Nears 10 Million
RSF Assassinates Journalist and Family Members in Khartoum Suburb
Sudan Army Vows Harsh Response to RSF Attack on Village, UN Calls for Probe

Fire at DR Congo Displacement Camp Leaves Dozens Without Shelter

Civil Society Group Reiterate Calls for South Sudan's Kiir and Machar To Leave Power
Read more

Ramzy Baroud
End of an Era: Pro-Palestine Language Exposes Israel, Zionism

Ted Snider
Is Biden Leading From Behind on Ukraine?

Ted Galen Carpenter
US Must Accept Spheres of Influence To Preserve Peace

David Stockman
The American Empire Is Crumbling Under Its Debt

Daniel Larison
Logic of a Forgotten American Atrocity Is Alive Today

Ron Paul
The Vietnamization of Ukraine

Ray McGovern
Russia and China – Two Against One

Sheldon Richman
What Is Self-Determination?

Dave DeCamp
The News Never Stops

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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