Back in December, I said this
election year would be characterized by the collapse of the alleged
"front-runners" i.e. presidential candidates favored by the
pundits and the Beltway know-it-alls and so it has come to pass.
Barack Obama has upended
the supposedly inevitable Hillary, and the GOP electorate, too, has
humbled those formerly
exalted as "major" candidates. What explains this inversion of
expectations, as I put it last year, is the rise of a new politics
in this country:
"The paradigm that best describes what is happening on the
ground in Iowa, New Hampshire, and beyond, isn't 'right' versus
'left,' 'Christianism' versus secularism, or red-versus-blue state
mindsets, but populist demands for change against our hidebound,
elites in the media as well as in government. And no issue has
underscored the growing
chasm between the people, on the one hand, and the
Washington-New York axis of power, on the other, than the
war in Iraq. The intersection of the war, as an issue,
with the growing populist rebellion against the status quo portends
a revolution."
McCain and plenty of conservatives
especially the
neocons are now deriding Obama as a purveyor of platitudes,
whose rhetoric recalls Gertrude Stein's opinion of
her birthplace, Oakland, California: "There's no there there." But
of course there is a there there and it's called Iraq.
Obama has become more outspoken in his opposition to the Iraq war
as the campaign has progressed, and not only that but has denounced the "mindset" among
our rulers, and the leaders of both parties, that led us into that
trap to begin with. This has legitimized his standing as the
outsider in the year of the insurgents, and given heft to his
soaring rhetoric, which, you'll note, is often delivered in terms of
an anti-interventionist riff, such as in this
very substantive speech laying out his foreign policy vision for
Yet it's hard to please some people, especially antiwar people on
the right and there are more of them than you might imagine when
it comes to Obama's candidacy. Here
is Daniel Larison, a paleoconservative writer and
blogger-in-chief over at The American Conservative, who has
also posted at the
blog warning explicitly not to be fooled by the alluring siren
song of Obama-ism:
"Given the rather grim prospects for antiwar voters this
election, it is understandable why many look to
Obama and think that they have found someone they can
trust. But this is a mistake. It isn't that Obama is wrong on Iraq,
but that he has happened to be right about it basically in spite of
his own foreign policy views."
If you follow the link above, you'll arrive at my last peroration
on the subject of Obama: yet Larison's affixing a warning label on
Obama's medicine for the masses keep away from children and
over-enthusiastic antiwar voters isn't really necessary. I have
pointed out Obama's flaws at length, and in detail, in these
pages, and there's no need to reiterate all that here. Larison
also reminds us that Obama had the wrong position on Israel's latest
attack on Lebanon, and that he kowtowed to AIPAC on this and other
issues: all undeniably
true. He also tells me something I didn't know about top Obama
advisor Samantha Power: that she has no great love for us
"Copperhead isolationists," as she puts
it, which is always good to know.
Of course, I never said that Obama intends to fundamentally alter
the direction and basic assumptions of US foreign policy although
his pledge to end the "mindset" that led to US intervention in Iraq
implies an attempt to do so. Yet it is undeniable that he is
directly appealing to antiwar voters and the populism that resents
the arrogance of our elites in both parties who have ignored the
"When we end this war, we can recapture our unity of effort as
Americans. The American people have the right instincts on Iraq.
It's time to heed their judgment. It's time to move beyond Iraq so
that we can move forward together. I will be a President who listens
to the American people, not a President who ignores them."
"When we end this war" is
a phrase that he repeats throughout his standard stump speech, these
days, and it has become the leitmotif of his campaign. No, he isn't
a pure anti-interventionist: he's no Ron Paul. Yet he is, without a
doubt, the antiwar candidate this election season, and that
is precisely why he has a good chance to win the White House. It is
also a good reason for anti-interventionists of the left, the right,
and the center to cheer.
Of course, paleocons like Larison may oppose Obama on grounds
other than foreign policy, but, as for myself, I take my direction
from the late Murray N.
Rothbard, who rightly saw that the issue of war and peace is the
decisive question, which all by itself determines whether we're
going to have liberty or tyranny.
It was on these grounds that Rothbard, the founder of the modern
libertarian movement and the real intellectual energy behind the
founding and early years of the Cato Institute supported
none other than Adlai
Stevenson for President, and later joined the "League of
Stevensonian Democrats" (LSD) to press John F. Kennedy to appoint
Stevenson Secretary of State. As Rothbard related in his
recently-published memoir, The
Betrayal of the American Right:
"It was time to act; and politically, my total break with the
Right came with the Stevenson movement of 1960. In 1956 I had been
for Stevenson over Eisenhower, but only partly for his superior
peace position; another reason was to try to depose the Republican
"Left" so as to allow the Old Right to recapture the party.
Emotionally, I was then still a right-winger who yearned for a
rightist third party. But now the third-party lure was dead; the
Right was massively Goldwaterite. And besides, Stevenson's
courageous stand on the U-2 incident his outrage that Eisenhower
had wrecked the summit conference by refusing to make not only a
routine, but a morally required apology for the U-2 spy incursion
over Russia made me a Stevensonian. Politically, I had ceased
being a right-winger. I had determined that the crucial issue was
peace or war; and that on that question the only viable political
movement was the "left" wing of the Democratic Party. By
consistently following an antiwar and isolationist star, I had
shifted or rather been shifted from right-wing
Republican to left-wing Democrat."
Of course, Rothbard was never a "left-wing Democrat," and
yet his emphasis on the centrality of foreign policy made it seem
so, at least to the superficial observer. Rothbard realized that,
irrespective of the rhetoric about the "free market" and "individual
liberty" that came out of the mouths of conservatives,
objectively the result of their policies specifically, their
foreign policy of relentless aggression and confrontation with
the Soviet Union would lead to the exact opposite of their stated
intentions. He saw that, as long as we were leading a global
crusade, and pouring billions down the
"anti-Communist" rat-hole, building up a huge military apparatus and
national security bureaucracy complete with an arsenal of nuclear weapons
that could destroy the world several times over our liberties,
indeed our very lives, would be threatened
with extinction.
The same holds true today. Obama may be a left-wing Democrat,
with economic views quite the opposite of my own although, in
truth, I believe he's significantly less of an old-style statist
than is Hillary
and yet I can cheer his ascendance as the Democratic nominee
because he is, after all, the antiwar candidate in this race. And,
no, it doesn't matter that he's not consistent i.e. that he's no
Ron Paul and for two reasons:
1) The voters believe he's the exact opposite of the Cheneyites who have seized
control of the foreign policy levers: that s why he's always
talking about "reclaiming" the ship of state from their grip, and
that's what's propelling his campaign. This election, if Obama is
nominated, will be a referendum on the war, and on our interventionist
foreign policy in general. The neocons know this, which is
precisely why they
loathe him and will do anything to stop him.
Larison avers: "When we see neoconservatives go after Obama and
his advisors, it is tempting to want to defend them against baseless
charges, and to the extent that we can draw attention to the
accusations that Obama's critics have been hysterically throwing at
him over Israel, then we should do that as a way of showing their
style of fearmongering and misrepresenting others' views. But we
shouldn't forget that" he's just fool's gold, and not the Real
Yet I have to say that, unlike the paleos, who still retain a
sentimental attachment to the GOP, the neocons know who their real
enemies are. They are also political realists, who realize that,
once catapulted into the White House by a massive wave of
antiwar/anti-interventionist sentiment, Obama's unlikely to be
willing to pay the political price of launching another war, in,
say, Pakistan.
2) We don't have a lot of time to turn the ship of state around
and set a new course because the course we're on is headed
straight for the rocky shores of fiscal catastrophe. As Ron Paul has
pointed out, our present policy of guns-and-butter cannot be
sustained: the value of the dollar is falling
dramatically, and the economic crisis is upon us. The central
bankers of the world aren't scurrying
around trying to shore up the shaky foundations of our financial system just
because they need the exercise. There is a very real danger that,
unless we stop the bleeding
of our resources into the charnel
house of Iraq, we could be plunged and very shortly into a
major worldwide depression. The complete collapse of the American
economy is not out of the question unless the war is ended, and
Ending the war would send a signal to the markets that the worst
excesses of the Bush era are over, and that the country just
might return to some version of fiscal sanity before long.
Naturally, I don't have a lot of faith in Obama's economic nostrums,
which would be costly as well as counterproductive yet not nearly
as costly and damaging to the economy and the nation as a whole as
the McCainiac
program of perpetual war and unmitigated
militarism at home and abroad.
In short, what we are facing is nothing less than an emergency:
the present policies cannot be continued, without incurring the
grave risk of a major catastrophe, either economic or
military-political. The sand in the hourglass is fast diminishing.
Obama is far from perfect, and yet his every speech and public
pronouncement refutes the opening line of Larison's complaint:
"Given the rather grim prospects for antiwar voters this election
That is not "given," not at all. It is quite enough that Obama
wants to end the war in 2009, and
bring all our troops home. More than that, in these dark days, we
have no right to expect or hope for. Yet it is enough, for now.
It remains to be seen to what degree Obama's imperfections in the
realm of foreign policy will impact our lives: if and when he
decides to invade, say, Pakistan,
or "liberate" Darfur, those
who propelled him into the White House will either follow him,
blindly, or else begin to question the doctrine of interventionism
in principle. It is the latter that the anti-interventionist
movement must directly address, in the event of a betrayal by an
Obama administration. This is how people learn they have to
go through certain experiences in order to come out, at the end of
it, transformed. That is how many liberals, who initially supported
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, came to join the old America First
Committee (yes, it's those "Copperhead isolationists,"
Samantha!): it is how many of today's liberals, such as Glenn
Greenwald, have become sympathetic to Ron Paul and certain
aspects of libertarianism.
And while I'm on the subject of electoral politics and options
for antiwar voters: it looks like Ron Paul is re-energizing
his presidential campaign. That's good news: the more options we
have, the better. The year of the insurgents has also had its effect
on the right, with Paul pulling in a good 10 percent of the
Republican primary voters and possibly more, if, as I believe he
might, the Good
Doctor runs as a third party candidate. Now imagine and it's
not hard a scenario in which the Clintonian "super-delegates"
snatch the nomination away from Obama, and spark a wave of populist
anger. Paul, if he's on the ballot in the general election, could
have a real impact, because Obama's voters, in a very real sense,
are his voters.
The anti-interventionist movement that is, the movement to make
a fundamental change in our foreign policy of dominationism
is bigger than any political candidate, or party. We don't endorse
candidates here at, and not just because we're a nonpartisan nonprofit foundation:
in order to succeed, and really make that change, we're going
to have to transcend party, and even ideology, and come together
as Americans to stop the carnage and the tragic loss of resources,
both human and material. Politicians and parties come and go,
but we're in this for the long haul.