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Updated December 5, 2023 - 8:51 PM EST
Pentagon Chief Slams US Non-Interventionists
  Senate to Vote on Biden's $106 Billion Military Aid Bill
  White House Tells Congress It's Running Out of Money for Ukraine War
  Pentagon Can't Account for 63% of Nearly $4 Trillion in Assets
House OKs Bill: 'Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism'
  Congress Sees Plan To Cleanse Gaza of Palestinians
  Israel Bombs Areas of S. Gaza Where It Told Palestinians to Flee
  More Journalists Killed as Israel Resumes Military Ops in Gaza

False Claims Dead Palestinian Baby Was 'A Doll' Go Viral

Miscalculations, Divisions Marked Ukraine Offensive Plans
  US Official Wants to Cut Russian Energy Exports by 50% by 2030
China Says US Warship 'Illegally' Sailed Near Disputed Reef
item Lloyd Austin: Non-Interventionists Are the Real Enemy  by Ron Paul
item On Top of Everything Else, Henry Kissinger Prevented Peace in the Middle East  by Jon Schwarz
item Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse  by Chris Hedges
item Has Volodymyr Zelensky Passed His Expiration Date?  by Ted Snider

More Viewpoints

Venezuela Claims Large Support for Annexing Oil-Rich Guyana Territory
Remains of Five US Airmen Found in Fuselage of Crashed Osprey in Japan
No End to Suffering of Gaza Children as Israeli Attacks Rage On
Israel Forces Must Shoot to Kill, Minister Says Amid Uproar Over Israeli Death
Israeli Government Has Haaretz Newspaper in Its Sights as It Tightens Screws on Media Freedom

Israel Bars Palestinian Child From Jerusalem Public School

Shots Fired at Detained Palestinian Activist's Home

Kirby: US Intelligence Had No Knowledge of Hamas' Attack Plan Documents

Corruption Trial of Israeli PM Netanyahu Resumes
Israeli Protesters Urge Removal of Netanyahu Over Hostages
Palestinian Killed by Israeli Settlers in Occupied West Bank
Israel to 'Hunt Hamas Leaders in Lebanon, Qatar, Turkey'
Released Israeli Hostages Ask Red Cross to Visit Remaining Captives
Militant Rocket Hit Base Linked to Israeli Nuclear Missile Program
Israeli Forces Kill Two Palestinians, Injure Others During Military Raid in Qalqiliya
Middle East
Iraq Weekly Roundup: 19 Killed
Saudi Arabia Says 'Absolutely Not' to Oil Phaseout at COP28

The World Food Program Will End Its Main Assistance Program in Syria in January

War Risk Insurance Rates Edge Up After Surge in Red Sea Ship Attacks
13 Killed in Armed Fighting in India's Ethnic Riots-Hit Manipur
Maldives Says India Has Agreed to Withdraw Troops
North Korea Accuses US of Double Standards for Letting South Korea Launch Spy Satellite From US Soil
Philippines VP Says Peace Talks With Communist Rebels a Pact 'With the Devil'
The War at Home
US Air Force to Organize Space Medical Research Group
Sanders Opposed to Sending $10 Billion to 'Extremist Netanyahu Government' in Israel
Israel Denies UAE Request to Fly Drones Over Gaza
Israel Asks Palestinians to Evacuate, but Is Any Place Safe in Gaza?
WHO Says It Was Forced to Move Medical Supplies From Southern Gaza Warehouse
Palestinian Journalist Describes Losing Home, Best Friend and 60 Family Members in Gaza
Gaza Siege Leaves Cancer Patients Without Treatment
WHO Board to Hold Emergency Meeting on Gaza Health Situation
'The Butcher of Gaza Should Be Tried Like Milosevic:' Erdogan
11,000 Rockets Were Fired From Gaza Since October 7: Israeli Army
A Nigerian Military Attack Bombed a Religious Gathering and Killed Civilians
Guinea-Bissau's President Issues a Decree Dissolving the Opposition-Controlled Parliament
Mali Army Claims to Have Repelled Four Jihadist Attacks
Mauritania Ex-President Aziz Sentenced to 5 Years for Corruption
Niger Revokes Military Accord With European Union: Ministry
US Restricts Visas for Uganda, Zimbabwe Officials, Citing Repression
Ukraine Says It Attacked Oil Depots in Russia-Occupied Luhansk
US and EU Struggle to Agree on Funding for Ukraine
EU Budget Dispute Threatens 50 Billion Euros War Lifeline for Ukraine
Armenia Says Azerbaijani Forces Killed One of Its Servicemen, Baku Denies It
UK, Finland, Estonia Practice Subsea Infrastructure Protection in Baltic Sea
Dutch Rights Groups Take Government to Court Over Arms to Israel
Poland Demands Restoration of EU Limits on Ukrainian Truckers
Read more

Sheldon Richman
Jewish Dissent on the Balfour Declaration

Ted Snider
Has Volodymyr Zelensky Passed His Expiration Date?

Ron Paul
Lloyd Austin: Non-Interventionists Are the Real Enemy

Ramzy Baroud
United for Gaza: Time Now for Palestinians to Protect Their Collective Sumud

David Stockman
How American Neocons Wrecked the Middle East and Ukraine

Daniel Larison
The Warfare of Starvation

Ted Galen Carpenter
Some Alleged Restrainers Are Just Selective Ultra-Hawks

Scott Horton
Netanyahu’s Support for Hamas Backfired

Doug Bandow
How Will America’s Borrow and Spend Politicians Pay for an Imperial Foreign Policy?

Ray McGovern
Dan Ellsberg’s Parting Plea: Don’t Wait

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs. Antiwar.com

Additional Contributors
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